NAU/NASA Space Grant

Multi-Spectral Thermal Infrared Imager for UAV-Based Remote Sensing

For two years, I worked with Dr. Christopher Edwards and Dr. Aaron Weintraub in the Planetary Instrumentation eXperimentation and Exploration Laboratory (PIXEL) as an NAU/NASA Space Grant Intern. Below are the two PowerPoint presentations I created to share the results of my work throughout my time as a space grant intern. 


For the first year, I created a design for the imager array using SolidWorks and tested the functionality of the FLIR Lepton Cameras. I also got started on printing the 3D printed components of the design.


The following year, I worked on refining the physical design and constructed a prototype of the assembly. I also utilized the calibration method used in Edwards et al. 2021 to calculate an instrument response function for the instruments and get calibrated radiance measurements for 4 rocks provided by the lab.