mission concept academy

The L'SPACE Mission Concept Academy is a virtual workforce preparation experience designed to give students experience with the mission concept design process for NASA missions through online lectures from experts in the field of space exploration, and a team project based off of a mission concept that is inspired by NASA goals. 

I participated in this in the spring of 2020. 

My team designed a lander called "Southern Lunar Ice Composition Explorer"(SLICE). Below is our presentation, and a link to the preliminary design review we wrote for the mission concept. There's also a video of the presentation--contact me if you want to look at it, and I'll send it to you. 

PDR presentation.pptx

I served as the team's project manager, and learned a lot about the unique difficulties that working in remote teams poses. 

The biggest challenge I encountered during this project was maintaining consistent communication with my teammates. The remote setting, as well as the impact of COVID-19 made it difficult for us to maintain communication. The team was able to come together to finish the project towards the end of the semester though. 

If I were able to redo this experience, I would try to make sure that everyone had easy access to the project schedule, and try to make sure check up on team members when I loose consistent contact with them.