Project 2

Project Description 

this project--called "Engineers to the Rescue"--was given to the team by W.L. GORE. we were tasked with retrieving a small stuffed animal out of a well analog made out of a trash can, and plastic balls. 

We were required to: 

Decision Matrix

Decision Matrix and Design Process

the team individually came up with 6 to 7 designs/sketches. We then decided together on 5 sketches that matched to criteria the best. We then individually rated these sketches, averaged the scores using google sheets, and summed the averaged scores. 

the criteria for the decision matrix are cost-effectiveness(20%), safety(25%), ease of use(15%), portability(15), and functionality(25%)

below is the drawing of the selected design:

The Construction and Testing Process

the team built the basket in about two days using pipe cleaners, small Popsicle sticks, the Eptfe fiber, a note card, two binder clips, and three straws. After some initial tests, the team found that the basket by itself was not capable of retrieving the animal from the well. So we then decided to pursue an idea that one of the team members proposed called the "crook" which was a hook-like addition used to guide the stuffed animal into the basket. We then tested it again and found that the addition of the crook considerably increased our success rate.

Group 4_EGR 186-8_proj.2: Trials.docx

to the left is a picture of the final product. 

here is a presentation further outlining the process of going through this project.

some reflections, or things we could have done differently are 

despite the above, I believe that the project ended up working quite well. The team was able to rescue the animal in 53 seconds without causing any further harm to the animal or the operators. 
