Completely Cardboard

Project Description

Completely Cardboard was a group project in which the team needed to build a chair entirely out of cardboard. 

some requirements for the project were: 

Design Process and Decision Matrix

All members of the team came up with 3 sketches/ideas each-- so, in total we had 15 sketches. We went through each of our sketches together, and decided on 5 that matched the requirements for project the most. We then took those sketches and put them through a decision matrix to help choose one sketch/idea to move forward with. 

Decision matrix.docx

The decision matrix(the preview on the side may be accessible on mobile, but there are some problems with desktop viewing) was then used to decide which of the 5 sketches/designs to choose for our project. 

we judged each sketch based on a series of 5 criteria

after giving each sketch a score within that system individually, we then took an average of the individual scores, and plugged those into the final decision matrix. Scott's, one of our teammates, canopy design(see picture above) ended up being chosen based off of that. 

The Construction Process

We split up the construction of the chair into 3 days 

We did most of the construction in our teammate Scott's garage.   

the picture shows the horizontal components of the base/seat of the chair, and the incomplete back portion of the chair(from the first build day).

The Final Product


this project helped us develop our communication skills-- not only within the team, but also to our peers and instructor when the time came to present our chair to the class. We also gained skills in working with cardboard(cutting it cleanly, and marking out alterations before making them).

Group 2 Proj. 1 Presentation

This is the presentation the team did for this project