The Deities of the Shattered Moons

Gisa, the Lifegiver

Inkas, the Fireheart

Tillon, the Stone Keeper

Krasis, the Ocean Guard

Blouza, the Storm Breaker

Calisk, the Empty Night

Gisa, the Lifegiver

Edicts: Nourish life and aid the young,  Respect nature and the wilderness, foster hope

Anathema: Create or aid the undead, stop the creation of life, destroy hope

Alignments: Any

Devotee Benefits

Divine Font: Heal

Divine Skill: Survival

Favored Weapon: Scythe, Staff

Domains: Family, Healing, Nature, Protection. Sun

Cleric Spells: 1st Soothe, 2nd Barkskin, 4th Speak with Plants

Inkas, the Fireheart

Edicts: Indulge your passions and instincts, master your emotions, encourage hedonism

Anathema: suppress your passions, delude yourself, let another dictate your path

Alignments: CN, CG, CE, N, NG, NE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Font: heal or harm

Divine Skill: Deception

Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword, Scimitar

Domains: Fire, Indulgence, Passion, Trickery, Zeal

Cleric Spells: 1st Charm Person, 2nd Ash Cloud, 4th Fire Shield

Tillon, the Stone Keeper

Edicts: Preserve truth and knowledge, seek lost information, promote records and civilization

Anathema: Create lies, destroy knowledge, give away secrets for too little

Alignments: LG, LN, LE, NG, N, NE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Font: Heal or Harm

Divine Skill: Crafting

Favored Weapon: Pick, Warhammer

Domains: Creation, Earth, Knowledge, Secrecy, Truth

Cleric Spells: 1st Mindlink

Krasis, the Ocean Guard

Edicts: Do not back down from lawlessness, protect the honest folk weaker than you, promote wealth

Anathema: Engage in banditry, drown a person, destroy civilization

Alignments: LG, LN, LE, NG, N, NE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Font: Heal or Harm

Divine Skill: Athletics

Favored Weapon: Battleaxe, Trident

Domains: Cities, Might, Travel, Water, Wealth

Cleric Spells: 1st True Strike

Blouza, the Storm Breaker

Edicts: Improve yourself and others, seek new horizons, free those bound and trapped

Anathema: Set down roots, turn down an honest challenge, surrender without trying

Alignments: NG, N, NE, CG, CN, CE

Devotee Benefits

Divine Font: Harm

Divine Skill: Acrobatics

Favored Weapon: Shortbow, Whip

Domains: Air, Confidence, Destruction, Freedom, Perfection

Cleric Spells: 1st Fleet Step, 3rd Wall of Wind 

Calisk, the Empty Night

Edicts: Control your self, foster the dreams of others, promote secrets, destroy undead

Anathema: Brag about yourself, destroy hopes and dreams, expose secrets

Alignments: Any

Devotee Benefits

Divine Font: Harm 

Divine Skill: Stealth

Favored Weapon: Rapier, Starknife

Domains: Death, Dreams, Darkness, Fate, Moon

Cleric Spells: 1st Grim Tendrils, 2nd Invisibility, 5th Shadow Walk