Sea Demon

Numerically, based on Morrighu

Infernal Might: 10

Characteristics: Int +3, Per +3, Pre -3, Com +1, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +0

Size +0

Confidence: 1

Virtues and Flaws: Tough, Puissant Brawl

Personality Traits: Untameable +5, Hungering +3, Peaceful -6

Reputation: ?

Heirarchy 2


- Large Claws: Init +2, Attack +15, Defense +7, Damage +8

Soak +6 (+1 for tough hide)

Fatigue Levels OK, -1, -3, -5, Unc

Wound Penalties 1-5

Abilities: Athletics 2 (climbing), Brawl 5+2 (claws), Stealth 5 (underwater), Swim 5


- Elemental Control of Water

- Hunger for Flesh: Grant Berserk to those who've eaten its flesh

- Coagulation: 1 point

- Obsession: 1-3 points

- Recalcitrance: 0 points