
Frost Dragon in Winter Storms

Serpentia, Greater Frost Dragon

Characteristics: Int+2, Per 0, Str +1, Sta +2, Prs +2, Com 0, Dex +2, Qik 0

Faerie Might: 35

Size: +5

Season: Autumn

Virtues and Flaws: Huge, Faerie Beast, Faerie Sight, Faerie Speech, Semi-Cognizant, Increased Characteristics x2, Increased Might, Personal Faerie Power (Shapeshift) 

Personality Traits: Coy +4, Greedy +5

Reputations: Wings of Winter, Bringer of Snow and Ice 4





Equipment: none

Who is this monster?  His true name, he never says and may not remember.

His origin is from far and exotic lands, beyond the cradle of civilization. His journeys were strange and un-knowable, but the smugglers seeking silk and gold from the East brought back takes of a monstrous serpent whose gaze broke minds and whose breath crushed hearts. He was originally captured by Islamic assassins for his venom, but their carelessness let him escape - unfortunately, so far from home he was not easily able to return, and he fell prey to other, wiser captors, being smuggled through Thebes until one of his captors got foolish, and he would escape to be sought after once again.

His venom, when milked at certain points of the year, is particularly potent, and acts as a vis source; further, anyone being wounded with the poison will be effected as if by his venomous bite, likely killing them.