Aeternus of Criamon

The Mad Scholar of the Divine

Deflation of Ignem Impetus (MuVi 45)

R: sight, D: Mom, T: Ind
This meta-magic spell was designed to defend against hostile magi. It reduces a targeted Ignem-form spell (of level 35 or lower) as it's being cast to a reduced range; Voice becomes touch, touch becomes personal. It was designed to be able to target Ball of Abysmal Flame.
Aeternus accidentally insulted a Flambeaux, and the young hothead was sent into Twilight (an expected side-effect of fighting a Vim specialist). Aeternus developed this spell hastily to defend against the young Flambeaux's parens, who challenged him to Wizards War. Aeternus met the Flambeaux on a field in formal challenge, and while nobody knows the specifics, the Flambeaux almost burned himself to death before being tended back to health in forced unconsciousness by the soft-hearted Criamon.
[base 30, +3 Sight; level 35 or lower spell is reduced in range by one category];
  • He has also studied a version of the spell for Corpus, Terram, and Vim of varying levels; He has mastered them with fast-casting.

Talisman: The Seeking of Yggdrasil

Whimsically (and incorrectly) named after a mythological Norse tree, Aeternus liked the idea that a single tree would be able to fruit worlds and regios into it's boughs. Even though he wasn't growing Regios on his talisman, he still loved the imagery and stole it for his staff. The staff itself is carved out of hornbeam, and has twisted around itself further and further as time goes on. Religious symbols have been carved into it's length and inlaid in silver (mostly Christian, but not all). It's been attuned to the following shape and material bonuses: +4 control at a distance (staff), +6 against hostile magics (Hornbeam), +7 to banish demons (cross), +2 Intellego (silver)

It has the following powers enchanted into it.

  • Mind as One (InMe 30) This spell gives Aeternos' talisman the ability to detect his surface thoughts as if they were its own, which the other spells are linked to for triggering. Though only two uses a day were necessary, Aeternus felt it was better to have more in case it was dispelled, or he wanted to no longer have the talisman in his mind. He avoided a constant spell to reduce warping. (Base 15, +1 concentration; item maintains concentraion +5, 4/day +5)
  • Bind the Instantaneous (ReVi 34) This enchantment binds another spell into the talisman, to be released when the magus desires. It can trap and store a spell of up to level 40. The spell is released on a mental command from Aeternos. The talisman is enchanted with more than one version of this spell, so that he can have them shelved for future need. (Base 15, +1 concentration, +1 touch; item maintains concentration +5, environmental trigger +3) [He has five of these currently enchanted into his talisman]
  • Magica Aeternum (ReVi 66) The talisman can maintain spells for its master. Based on Sustaining the Demanding Spell, the talisman will sustain the magic of a spell almost indefinitely. The Magica Aeternum can maintain a number of spells into the dozens. (Base 20, +1 touch, +1 Concentration duration, +2 group, +1 increased group size; Item maintains concentration +5, Linked Trigger +3[Mind as One], Environmental Trigger +3, Unlimited uses +10)
  • Sensation of Forgotten magics (InVi) This simple enchantment is activated with a thought; It reminds Aeternus of every spell currently being stored or maintained by the talisman, so he doesn't have to remember them all. It manifests as a giant, branching tree of raw magic, with every spell being a fruit hanging from its branches. (Base 5, +1 Touch; Linked Trigger +3 [Mind as One], Unlimited uses +10)