Magical Secrets

New Virtues and Flaws for your magi to study under.

Titanic Magic (Major Hermetic Virtue)

Your power stems from the Titans who broke and reformed continents and oceans. It is naturally suited to great undertakings. When casting spells, you naturally treats the base individual as twice the normal amount of material - this is particularly useful for Creo and Perdo magic, and part/group targets. In addition, whenever casting a spell with increased magnitudes for size, you gains a +3 to the casting total for every size magnitude added to the spell. Finally, when spending raw vis to boost casting total, you may gain +3 per pawn of vis spent rather than the usual +2 due to your connection to magical progenitors.

Design notes: This feels a bit underpowered for a Major Hermetic Virtue, so I would be tempted to add another minor-virtue level of ability in there.

Weird Laboratory Student (Minor Hermetic Flaw)

Despite having clear and easily identifiable instructions, sometimes things just don't work out the way they are supposed to. When working from a lab text to recreate a spell or to create an item, you roll on the Side Effect table in Experimentation Extraordinary Results. If creating multiple items or reinventing multiple spells in one season, roll separately for each.

Design notes: The side effect table is nominally 40% neutral, 40% bad, and 20% positive, though some of the neutrals can be considered a negative at times and one of the rolls is really bad - arguably a seasonal waste. So this is probably too much of a flaw. But I know people who would take it anyway.

Calculated Experimentation (Minor Hermetic Virtue)

While the experimental process is dangerous and profitable, some people have an ability to minimize the risks for some rewards during experimentation. During any laboratory activity where you would be allowed to experiment, you may instead select a flat +3 bonus to the lab total, in return for rolling on the Side Effect table in the Extraordinary Results chart. If you have a Magic theory of 6 or higher, you can also select a +6 for two rolls; With a magic theory of 9 or higher, you may select a +9 in exchange for risking three rolls on the Side Effects table. This cannot be used when experimenting.

Design notes: The reason this isn't used when experimenting is thematic, not because of game balance. I was using Inventive Genius as a baseline to compare against.

Hasty Researcher (Minor Hermetic Flaw)

Perhaps its impatience, or perhaps its an inevitable cutting of corners; Either way, you find yourself getting work done a little faster, but who cares if there's a few odd side-effects now and again? Whenever doing work in the laboratory on anything that would allow experimentation, you get a +2 to your lab total but must roll on the Side Effect table in the Extraordinary Results chart.

Design notes: I felt that the *required* nature of the flaw made it too hurtful without a small bonus.