
The Feline Scholar

Bremen, Feline Scholar

Magical Might 13 (Animal)

Characteristics Int +3, Per +1, Pre -1, Com +2, Str -8, Sta 0, Dex +2, Qik +4

Size -3

Virtues and Flaws: Magical Animal; Improved Characteristics, Perfect Balance, Puissant Awareness, Second Sight, Sharp Ears, Unaffected by the Gift; Magical Air, Magical Friend, Nocturnal, Poor Sight.

Magical Qualities: Gift of Speech, Improved Abilities x2, Ritual Power, Minor Power x2, Personal Power, Virtues x2(Book Learner, Educated)

Personality Traits: Erudite +4, Timid +2, Cat +3

Abilities: Area Lore: Old Covenant 3 (vermin hunting areas), Artes Liberales 2 (mathematics), Athletics 3 (jumping), Awareness 4+2 (at night), Brawl 3 (claws), Charm 4 (for food), Guile 2 (acting innocent), Hunt 4 (mice), Language: German 4 (conversational), Language: Latin 4 (hermetic slang), Leadership 2 (cats), Magic Lore 2 (auras), Order of Hermes Lore 2, Philosophae 2 (metaphysics), Stealth 4 (stalking), Teaching 3 (children)


  • Aid of the Scholar (Grant Book learner, 5 pt)

  • Aura of Rightful Authority (2pt) as per ArM5 p151

  • Viper’s Gaze (1pt) ArM5 p120

  • Cat Like a Shadow (1pt) Veil of Invis, ArM5 p146

Vis: 3 pawns of Mentem, in his eyes

Bremen is a Rex feline, streaks of orange in his otherwise pale cream fur. The erudite cat’s pale blue eyes are not as sensitive as they once were, and he often squints when he’s looking at something. He loves learning new things, and regularly tries to convince people to read books to him and turn pages for him. He cannot actually do it himself, with his paws and claws, and he refuses to risk damaging any books by trying it himself. Sometimes he grants the Book Learner virtue to people reading interesting books to him.

Bremen is a feline who grew up amid a covenant in the Rhine. While he isn’t one of the glorious felines who is known to be a lineage through the Order of Hermes, he does come from a group of mousers who lived in the same covenant for generations. Smarter than any of his other family (who had some warping and uncanny intelligence/cunning), Bremen used to play with the Covenfolk children, and attended lessons and classes with them. As he matured, he began to visit the library, and often read over the shoulders of scholars and magi. Now an experienced feline, his eyesight sadly isn't what it used to be. He befriended a young apprentice, and began to spend time reading with him in the library. When the magus was finally Gauntleted, Bremen decided to travel with him to his new home.