Snow Stag Lord

The Midnight Harpist

Magical Might 10 (Corpus)

Characteristics Int +1, Per 0, Pre +4, Com +2, Str +3, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1

Size +2

Virtues and Flaws: External Vis (Harp), Faerie Speech, Faerie Sight, Improved Characteristics, Hybrid Form, Large; Aloof, Incognizant, Lecherous (major), Weakness(Music), Traditional Ward (Religious symbols)

Personality Traits: Lustful +6, Hasty -1


  • Brawl (kick), Init +3, Attack +8, Defense +8, Damage +6

  • Spear, Init +3, attack +7, defense +5, Damage +8

  • soak +4

Abilities: Area Lore: Home Forest (secret places) 4, Athletics 2(dancing), Awareness 2 (listening), Brawl 5 (wrestling), Carouse 6 (drinking heavily), Charm 3 (seduction), Language: Scottish 4 (dirty songs), Music 4 (harp), Single Weapon 3 (spear), Thrown Weapon 3 (spear)


  • Grant Puissance in Combat (2 might, init -1, Mentem, Pen 0): Everyone who hears his music gets +3 weapon skills for attack, and Bravery, for the scene [from fauns, ROP: Faerie p93]

  • Endless Basket of Berries (o might, init -1, herbam, Pen 10): The stag lord's cournocopia is an endless source of sweet winter berries, so rich and sweet that they are as intoxicating as wine if taken in excess. [similar to Endless Wine from Fauns in ROP: Faerie]

  • Enthralling Sound (0 might, Init -2, Corpus, Pen 10): The stag lord's music is so captivating that it makes users excited and energetic, but when the songs stop, the listeners will likely collapse in exhaustion. During the song, the personality traits of Vigorous, Energetic, or Manic would increase, and Patient or Thoughtful would decrease, for the scene's duration. While the Stag Lord is playing, listeners cannot feel their Fatigue, similar to Endurance of the Bersekers.

Vis: 2 imaginem vis in his harp. If a mortal musican takes the harp, he can use it as if he had the Enchanting Music ability at a level equal to his Music score. After a sufficient time, the harp would disappear mysteriously as the Stag Lord returns to reclaim it, and set up shop near the new location in the woods.

The Snow Stag Lord is a variant of fauns. He roams the woods of the northern Stonehenge Tribunal, and a lot of ill will from the mortals has associated him with the more aggressive neighboring Scots. His music draws people into the dark, wintery woods, where they are harassed by the Black Dogs of the North Wood - and those who escape the dogs will find the Stag Lord and his attendant fauns at party. They will be honored and welcomed (and likley insulted playfully, if English, starting a bragging battle if he can), and rewarded for their energy with song, dance, faun women and men, and finally left to collapse when their energy is gone. The Snow Stag Lord is much more cautious than his younger faun servants, and often tries to manipulate things to his advantage, while his servants seek merely sex and wine in excess.

Often, the Snow Stag Lord will allow a mortal to steal or win his harp away from him, which only causes more trouble for the mortals, before he comes to reclaim it. His harp, called The Harp of Midnight Melodies, is an external vis source (ROPF) and grants power to the bearer of it. The Midnight Harpist will return to the bearer of the harp three years later, unless the harp is destroyed.