

Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre +1, Com 0, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +2, Qik +1

Size: 0

Age: 19

Virtues and Flaws: Covenfolk; Hermetic Experience, Puissant Stealth, Sharp Ears; Clumsy, Succeptible to Warping, Social Handicap (Homosexual)

Personality Traits: Coy +3, Curious +1, Loyal +3

Reputations: Pointedly None

Abilities: Athletics 2 (climbing), Awareness 4 (alertness), Brawl 4 (dagger), Etiquette 2 (magi), Folk Ken 2 (magi), Guile 3 (innocence), Language: Latin 3 (Hermetic), Language: Magyar 5 (Transylvanian), Magic Lore 1 (vampires), Org Lore: Order of Hermes 2 (politics), Profession Maidservant 3 (mending clothes), Stealth 4+2 (blending in crowds)

Equipment: Maid and serving girl clothing, daggers, sewing kit for repairs, makeup

Judit grew up in a small Transylvanian town. She was kicked out of her home when she was found to be 'ungodly' (she was unable to hide her romantic attraction to other women). Cast-offs and unwanted often are taken in by the Tremere, because they are more loyal for their needs.

Suchly, Judit came to a Covenant, and met Vespera, during the French apprentice's training there. Judit's interest in the beautiful maga became a bit of an obsession, and Vespera had no qualms about accepting her as her handmaiden. Vespera's Master had Judit trained to be of use to his manipulative and beautiful Apprentice, including spying, stealth, and emergency murder - sometimes its best for a maga to have her hands clean.