Josephine, Second Tribunal

Advancement (5 years, 150 xp): [Assumed LR of 35+]

10xp Terram 0-4

15xp Perdo 0-5

21xp Imaginem 6-8

25xp Magic Theory 5

15xp Mentem 0-5

10xp Faerie Sympathy beautiful +2

20xp Charm 4

9xp Animal 9

8xp(12xp) Muto 15

10xp Creo 0-4

7xp Dance with Me from Faerie Raised Magic

9xp Phantom Dancers from Faerie Raised Magic

Study (2 years, 8 seasons)

  1. Veil of Invisibility from lab text(PeIm 20, Lab total 22)

  2. Sorcerors Fork from lab text (MuVi 25, LT 29)

  3. A Forgotten Invitation (MuMe 5, LT 29) [ She has a lot of leftover here ]

  4. Queen Clad in Diamonds and Silk (MuAn[Te] 15, LT28+4 focus)

  5. Clad as an Empress (PeIm 15, LT 22 +4 focus +4 simiar spell)

  6. Loss of But a Moment's Memory from lab text(PeMe 15, LT 19)

  7. Piercing the Faerie Veil (InVi 20, LT 21)

  8. Faerie Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 20, LT 21)

Plot Seeds and Adventures:

  1. Ugh! It is of the utmost importance for Josephine to get a Longevity Ritual with the greatest of strength. If one of the Magi in your Saga is an expert in that sort of thing, Josephine will ply her wiles against them in an attempt to get herself a good deal on the exchange.

  2. If none of your saga's magi are good at Corpus, she'll approach the most handsome magus to help her on a quest - likely to get something that she believes she can trade to the Tribunal's longevity expert: A faerie-magic 'potion of youth'. Of course, she will try to sell it as her just wanting his company, or believing there's something that he could use in this adventure.

  3. Now that she's a more skilled Merinita, Josephine should seek out a familiar. She hear rumors of a spider that can spin moonlight into thread - that's something she can make use of! One of the magi in the saga can surely help her capture it. [This will likely not get her a familiar.]

  4. Josephine has begin to get more and more scrutiny placed upon her by the nobles whose parties and feasts she has been crashing... Every dinner party seems to end in a proposal of marriage to some fat, unsightly old man. Of course, she wants help from a skilled spymaster and manipulator (Possibly among the Companions, especially if she's met them before). Without help, she'll never find out that one of the Tytalus in the Tribunal has been deliberately making her life harder.

  5. With how much she interacts with mortals, Josephine's Mentem skills are absolutely below par. The Magi in your saga might be able to get her a good collection of Memtem Lab Texts so she can expand her repetoire. If they won't help her out of friendship (so callous, the beasts!) then she can give them information regarding the entrance to a Faerie Noble's court in their land. Josephine has married that noble four times now for the Vis she gets as gifts, but every time she marries him, he seems to get uglier and more brutish. She's worried he's secretly a hideous giant.

Josephine the Starlight, of Merinita

House: Merinita

Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +3, Com +1, Str -2, Sta +1, Dex +1, Qik 0

Size 0

Age 35 (42)

Warping 3 (5)

Confidence 1 (3)

Virtues: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Faerie Magic; Affinity for Muto, Faerie Raised Magic, Faerie Sympathy (Beautiful), Lesser Benediction(Enchanting Beauty), Minor Magical Focus (Clothing), Puissant Finesse

Flaws: Ambitious(minor), Curse of Venus, Deleterious Circumstances(being ugly), Faerie Upbringing, Poor Student, Weird Magic

Personality Traits: Ambitious +3, Hedonistic +3, Wild +4

Reputation: Mysterious Beauty 3 (nobles), Flirtatious troublemaker 1 (Magi)

Faerie Sympathy: Beautiful +2

Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (Ceremonial Casting), Bargain 2 (Faeries), Brawl 1 (dodge), Charm 4(seduction), Code of Hermes 1 (faeries), Concentration 1 (spells), Etiquette 4 (nobles), Faerie Lore 2 (court faeries), Finesse 2+2 (fine control), French 5 (flirting), Folk Ken 2 (males), Guile 2 (playing innocent), Intrigue 2 (starting rumors), Latin 4 (Hermetic slang), Legerdemain 1 (hiding objects), Magic Theory 5 (Animal), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (Merinita), Parma Magica 2 (Corpus), Penetration 1 (Animal), Stealth 3 (hiding in crowds), Survival 1 (forests)

Arts (Casting sigil: glittering stars)

Creo 4, Intellego 5, Muto 15, Perdo 5, Rego 8,

Animal 9, Aquam 0, Auram 0, Corpus 0, Herbam 5,

Ignem 0, Imaginem 8, Mentem 5, Terram 4, Vim 7


Glimpse of the Seamstress's Knowledge (InAn 10)

Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15)

The Queen Clad in Diamonds and Silk (MuAn [Te] 15)

Transformation of the Ravenous beast to the Torpid Toad (MuAn 25)

Decay of Fur and Hide (PeAn 10)

Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5)

Phantom Maids and Attendants for a Perfect Lady (ReAn 5)

Sooth the Ferocious Bear(ReAn 10)

Betrayed by the Price of Fashion (ReAn 15)

Phantom Dancers (ReAn 25)

Eyes of the Cat (MuCo 5)

Disguise of the New Visage(MuCo 15)

Rise of the Feathery Body(ReCo 10)

Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5)

Piercing Shaft of Wood(Mu[Re]He 10)

Rope of Bronze (MuHe[Te] 15)

Strike of the Angered Branch(ReHe 15)

Loss of But a Moment's Memory (PeMe 15)

Aura of Ennobled Presence(MuIm 10)

Notes of a Delightful Sound(MuIm 10)

Shine Like the Stars Above (MuIm 10)

A New Dress From Old Fabric (MuIm 15)

Clad as an Empress (PeIm 15)

Veil of Invisibility

Wizard's Sidestep(ReIm 10)

Dance With Me (CrMe 15)

A Forgotten Invitation (MuMe 5)

Confusion of the Numbed Will (ReMe 15)

Supple Iron and Rigid Rope(MuTe 10)

Piercing the Faerie Veil (InVi 20)

Wizards Communion(MuVi 15)

Sorcerer's Fork (MuVi 25)

Faerie's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 20)

A Forgotten Invitation (MuMe 5)

Josephine has always gotten access to parties and events by her beauty, but sometimes it takes a bit of work, and sometimes a bit of magic. Well, it's much more fun to crash a party, and for that you need an invitation. This spell makes the target's memory conform to a statement that the caster has just said.

"May I see your invitation?"

"Again? I just showed it to you."

(Base 2, +1 Eye, +2 Sun)

Dance With Me (Creo Mentem 15)

R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind

Josephine stole this spell from a Satyr during a wine-induced revel. While the spell is active, the target of the spell is able to move in elegant synchronicity with the caster. Josephine uses this spell so she and her partner look better on the dance floor - it can even let Jospehine guide a partner who doesn't know the dance being performed. Since the spell was planned to be cast on a busy dance floor, Josephine designed it with no gestures in mind, and as long as you're focused on moving in pair with your partner, you will not need to make concentration rolls. Talking, however, is very distracting.

(Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +1 No Gestures)

The Queen Clad in Diamonds and Silk (Muto Animal [Terram] 15)

R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind

Josephine has decided that she prefers to stand out as the most glamorous creature in the room, especially after running into the Faerie Queen of Cats. This spell transforms an article of clothing - be it robe, cloak or dress - into something glittering and magical. Threads of gold, silver, and diamond run through the fabric, causing the wearer to look like a brilliant example of glorious wasteful nobility. When closely examined, the threads of the fabric actually transform into silver and gold threading, and even threads of gem-like texture. In Josephine's version of the spell, diamonds sparkle like stars in the darker fabric.

(Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

Phantom Dancers(Rego Animal 25)

R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind

This spell animates a dress (or other article of clothing) to cavort and dance about, though the dress can perform other actions as well. The spell animates the outfit for an extended duration, though it only moves around when the caster is actively directing it. Josephine learned this spell during a rather awkward trip through faerie to deal with a mischievous pixie princess that she was in a mystical competition with, where her clothing kept running away without of her. Nowadays, Josephine usually keeps three animated long-sleeved robes in her quarters to help clean things up - one with its sleeves tied to a broom, one to carry things around her lab, and one in her personal quarters.

(Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Moon)

Clad as an Empress (Perdo Imaginem 15)

R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind

A spell designed for comedy and spite, and to embaress a rival, Josephine's Clad as an Empress causes the touched clothing to become invisible, fading away like dying starlight over the course of a few seconds. Since the spell is an individual target, it doesn't remove ALL their clothing, only the article touched, so one needs be clever in its use. That said, Josephine's too-haughty rival found herself dancing with a paramour wearing only her linen underthings, after a casting of Sorcerer's Fork and Clad as an Empress from an invisible Josephine.

(Base 4, +1 Concentration, +1 Changing Image, +1 Touch)

Josie, An Other Doll - A faerie rival