Josephine the Starlit, Fourth Tribunal

Advancement (5 years, 150 xp): [Assumed LR of 35+]

20xp (30xp) for Muto 16-17

40xp for Terram 6-10

33xp for Rego 10-13

10xp for Crafting the Servants of Silk and Wool

15xp for Faerie Lore 3

20xp for Parma Magica 4

6xp for Intellego 6

6xp for Mentm 5

Lab Work (2 years, 8 seasons)

  1. Ivory Comb of Glitter and Glamour (MuAn 25, LT +3 magnetite, +3 Smilar)

  2. Be Rid of the Unwanted Suitor (ReAn 30, LT 43 +3 Similar) 16/30

  3. Be Rid of the Unwanted Suitor (ReAn 30, LT 43 +3 Similar) 30/30

  4. Perfect and Comfortable Fit (MuAn 20)

  5. Binding a Familiar (LT MuAn 35?)

  6. Adventure in learning Binding the Servants of Silk and Wool

  7. Shape of the Woodland Prowler from Lab Text(MuCoAn 25, LT 27)

  8. Free the Striding Tree from Lab Text (ReHe 30, LT 30)

Plot Seeds and Adventures:

  1. Josephine is looking for someone with a knowledge of Wards, and faeries, to help her catch a stalking faerie - she doesn't want it harned, she wants to study it. Can you help her catch it and bring it to her extra lab for study? And DO NOT hurt it. Unfortunately, Josie has found an apprentice (as Magi are wont to do) and there is a new Other Doll running around social circles keeping things complicated.

  2. The players are approached while travelling - Josephine needs assistance dealing with some unwanted suitors! She knows that these magi are the best people to assist her because of how well she's viewed them in the past. There's four who all seem to believe that they have promises for her hand in marriage. Of course, Josephine is at home doing research and avoiding people, so the person actually looking for help is her Faerie stalker, who's trying to emulate her past problems in an attempt to get closer to her chosen beau.

  3. Josephine has finally discovered - in her studies of Arthurian legends - that a faerie court has become convinced she is descended of the blood of Queen Guinevere, and that is why they long ago kidnapped her as a child. Josephine needs some assistance with a King Arthur and a Mordred to go on a Faerie Adventure with her to re-write a story and help her get free of this accursed beauty.

  4. A magus or companion who frequently attends the galas of the nobility runs into Josie-as-Josephine, and the faerie is promising the player great favors if they can help the stalker Faerie get into Josephine's sanctum - Josie is confident that if she can find the right piece of jewelry from Josephine's collection, she can win her beloved's heart.

  5. A faerie knight is approaching the characters to gain assistance in their quest: It seems his lord is betrothed to Josephine, and the beauteous maga has failed to attend her wedding ceremony for year after year, despite having elegant invitations delivered. So, the faerie knight seeks aid in 'rescuing the princess' from whatever dark fate is keeping her from her betrothed. Josephine, if asked politely, will give them a wedding dress and tell them to go get married themselves. Or to go kidnap Josie instead.

Josephine the Starlight, of Merinita

House: Merinita

Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre +3, Com +1, Str -2, Sta +1, Dex +1, Qik 0

Size 0

Age 39 (56)

Warping 4 (13)

Confidence 1 (6)

Virtues: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Faerie Magic; Affinity for Muto, Faerie Raised Magic, Faerie Sympathy (Beautiful), Lesser Benediction(Enchanting Beauty), Minor Magical Focus (Clothing), Puissant Finesse

Flaws: Ambitious(minor), Curse of Venus, Deleterious Circumstances(being ugly), Faerie Upbringing, Poor Student, Weird Magic

Personality Traits: Ambitious +3, Hedonistic +2, Lustful -1, Wild +3

Reputation: Mysterious Beauty 3 (nobles), Flirtatious troublemaker 1 (Magi)

Faerie Sympathy: Beautiful +3

Abilities: Artes Liberales 1 (Ceremonial Casting), Bargain 2 (Faeries), Brawl 1 (dodge), Charm 4(seduction), Code of Hermes 1 (faeries), Concentration 1 (spells), Etiquette 4 (nobles), Faerie Lore 3 (court faeries), Finesse 2+2 (fine control), French 5 (flirting), Folk Ken 2 (males), Guile 2 (playing innocent), Intrigue 2 (starting rumors), Latin 4 (Hermetic slang), Legerdemain 1 (hiding objects), Magic Lore 1 (regios), Magic Theory 6 (Spell Design), Order of Hermes Lore 2 (Merinita), Parma Magica 4 (Corpus), Penetration 1 (Animal), Stealth 3 (hiding in crowds), Survival 1 (forests)

Arts (Casting sigil: glittering stars)

Creo 7, Intellego 6, Muto 17, Perdo 5, Rego 13,

Animal 10, Aquam 0, Auram 0, Corpus 0, Herbam 7,

Ignem 5, Imaginem 8, Mentem 6, Terram 10, Vim 7


Conjure the Complex Attire (CrH [An] 20)

Glimpse of the Seamstress's Knowledge (InAn 10)

A Weak Defense (MuAn 5)

Doublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15)

The Hedgehog's Armor (MuAn 15)

The Queen Clad in Diamonds and Silk (MuAn [Te] 15)

Perfect and Comfortable Fit (MuAn 20)

Transformation of the Ravenous beast to the Torpid Toad (MuAn 25)

Decay of Fur and Hide (PeAn 10)

Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5)

Phantom Maids and Attendants for a Perfect Lady (ReAn 5)

Sooth the Ferocious Bear(ReAn 10)

Betrayed by the Price of Fashion (ReAn 15)

To Be Dragged Away By The Collar (ReAn 15)

Phantom Dancers (ReAn 25)

Be Rid of the Unwanted Suitor (ReAn 30)

Crafting the Servants of Silk and Wool (ReAn[He] 30)

Eyes of the Cat (MuCo 5)

Disguise of the New Visage(MuCo 15)

Shape of the Woodland Prowler(MuCo[An] 25)

Rise of the Feathery Body(ReCo 10)

Pass the Unyielding Portal (MuHe 5)

Piercing Shaft of Wood(Mu[Re]He 10)

Rope of Bronze (MuHe[Te] 15)

Strike of the Angered Branch(ReHe 15)

Free the Striding Tree (ReHe 30)

Loss of But a Moment's Memory (PeMe 15)

Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20)

Trapping the Fire (MuIg[Te])

Conjury of Glorious Attire (CrIm 10)

Aura of Ennobled Presence(MuIm 10)

Notes of a Delightful Sound(MuIm 10)

Shine Like the Stars Above (MuIm 10)

A New Dress From Old Fabric (MuIm 15)

Clad as an Empress (PeIm 15)

Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 20)

Wizard's Sidestep(ReIm 10)

Dance With Me (CrMe 15)

A Forgotten Invitation (MuMe 5)

Confusion of the Numbed Will (ReMe 15)

Supple Iron and Rigid Rope(MuTe 10)

Stealing Josie's Dress (ReTe[req] 20)

Piercing the Faerie Veil (InVi 20)

Wizards Communion(MuVi 15)

Sorcerer's Fork (MuVi 25)

Faerie's Eternal Oblivion (PeVi 20)

Ivory Comb of Glitter and Glamour (Muto Animal 25)

R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind

This is an enchanted ivory hair-comb inlaid with silver and magnetite gemstones, and enchanted to create beautiful outfits. When the gemstones are touched and the secret words whispered, the enchantment on the jewelry transforms a touched article of clothing into something different - similar to The Queen Clad as Diamond and Silk, often weaving the fabric out of precious metals and inset with glimmering gems. With a few moments, an entire outfit could be transformed into something new and glamorous.

(Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration; +5 levels item maintains, +10 levels unlimited uses)

Be Rid of the Unwanted Suitor (Rego Animal 30)

R: Voice, D: Conc, T: Group

Another spell that's designed to deal with overzealous romantics, it also is quite useful for traversing pits and levitation. Be Rid of the Unwanted Suitor grips an entire set of garments - for example, that rich slobbering merchant's clothing - and forcibly drags the clothing in a direction of the caster's choosing, even if that direction is straight up or another direction. Because of the convenient location of her sanctum, Josephine is prone to just launch unwanted individuals out the large windows and into the nearby lake.

(Base 3, +2 voice, +1 concentration, +2 group, +1 unsupported)

Perfect and Comfortable Fit (Muto Animal 20)

R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind

This spell was actually designed for her covenfolk, rather than herself, as Josephine has found more and more that she just wants to wear simple and confortable robes. Perfect and Comfortable Fit transforms an article of clothing to gently hug the body, stretch in places where necessary for comfort, soften against the flesh to avoid chafing, and drift more lightly as the wearer moves. As an added bonus, it makes the fabric a single perfect piece, seamless, and resistant to tears and rips. This removes any penalties to physical actions that stem from ill-fitting, uncomfortable, or constricting attire. If cast on linen or cotton, it requires an herbam requisite.

(Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Moon)

Crafting the Servants of Silk and Wool (Rego Animal[Herbam] 30)

R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind

Advanced magic for those who play with cloth and fabric, Josephine stole this spell from a pixie princess who was fond of stealing and animating clothing. This spell takes a crafted cloth doll and animates it into a bipedal semblance of a human. The psuedo-creature spawned by this spell tends to be well-disposed to its animator, but tends to run off and explore its own desires. It has no ability to communicate, but tends to have a mentality similar to a clever dog or cat as far as following commands. The longer the doll is animated, the more it tends to misunderstand and misbehave. Josephine's version of the spell has twin sparking stars as eyes for the animated creature. Though this spell technically can animate a large doll, it tends to end up with a fabric creature between size -2 and size 0 - larger ones fall apart very rapidly for some reason.

(base 10, +1 touch, +3 moon)

The Dress for Every Occasion (Creo Imaginem 19)

This 'dress' is actually a short, knee-length comfortable robe, of silk and linen. The short robe has been further enchanted for comfort and style. With an effort of concentration, the enchanted garment creates the illusion of any garb the wearer desires, including visual, audible, and touch senses. Josephine usually uses spells to keep herself warm, dry, and comfortable while wearing this catch-all no-effort outfit, along with silken slippers ensorcelled with Doublet of Impenetrable Silk to keep her feet safe.

(Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration; +5 levels for item maintains concentration, +1 lvl uses/day, +3 lvl environmental trigger)

Jacqueline, the Other Woman - A Faerie stalker turned into ally and friend, her familiar