The Serpent

Who Eats Magic

Rumors tell of a place that is often viewd of as magical, but despite that, no magical creatures are found, no vis is ever located. Many small pockets of auras are found in the rolling grasslands, yet no vis forms, no magical creatures are found roaming the hills. Even magi who tried to set up shop there found all their magic falling apart. It's almost as if the cause is hiding.

The Serpent Who Eats Magic was once just a small, hungry warped creature. It fed on the vis accumulated in its home, and became something more, something greater... and ever hungrier. The Serpent Who Eats Magic has transformed into a creature of magical might, a potential threat or boon for those who can find it. It can smell magic (as easily as a human might hear) and will respond to any detection spells or wards by eating them. The serpent has grown fat and massive on its glut of vis and other magics, and is almost large enough to swallow a child whole now.

If befriended, this dangerous devourer would require a Perdo Vim or Perdo Animal lab total of 31. While technically, as a being of Cunning, it turns +3 cunning into -3 Intelligence, I would give it an Int of +0, trade away it's Ferocity for Improved Characteristics. Unbound, it's Hunger for Form Magic requires it to eat 3 pawns of any vis each season, but in binding it should trade for Hunger for Vim magic.

The Serpent Who Eats Magic

Magical Might: 11
Characteristics: Cun +3, Per -1, Pre -2, Com -1, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik +2
Size: -1
Season: Summer
Confidence: 1
Virtues and Flaws: Magical Animal; Ferocity (when hungry), Keen Smell, Lightning Reflexes, Magical Sensitivity, Puissant Stealth, Rapid Convalescence; Hunger for Form Magic, Magical Monster
Magical Qualities: Focus Power(Devour Magic), Gigantic, Imrpoved Damage(bite), Improved Powers, Personal Power x2(Scent of Magic)
Personality Traits: Rapacious +5, Cautious +2, Snake +3*
Abilities: Awareness(wizards) 4, Brawl(bite) 6, Concentration(hunting) 2, Hunt (magical beasts) 4, Magic Sensitivity(vis) 2, Stealth(underbrush) 6+2, Survival(grassy areas) 3. 10 unspent points.
Scent of Magic (0 might): The serpent can 'scent' magic, and determine its strength and flavor, as well as location. This will let him easier devour it.(InVi 50; Base 10, +3 'taste', +2 technique and form, +2 sun, +1 constant, -5 might)
Devour Magic (x might): Once a source of magic is located, the serpent can devour it. By detecting the flavor and form of the magic, his destructive hunger can more efficiently eat his fill. With 2 might, he can devour a magnitude of 25 + a stress die, and each additional might spent can raise that total by 5. (PeVi focus power, dispel a form of magic, +1 touch)
Steal the Magic Egg(3 might): The Serpent can transfer vis it has found into a new, more edible form for later consumption. (MuVi 15; base 10 +1 touch)
Vis: 3 Perdo in stomach, plus probably a lot of rotting snacks around for later

NOTE: While I added Succeptible to Deprivation to a lot of my familiars when I added them to this website, I feel the Serpent should just Eat Magic.