
the Midnight Hunter

People tell stories about the ghostly bird which hunts that dark forest. It never loses a prey, it is never found during the day. The animals all fear it, whisper about it. The human hunters who stalk that forest call it a good omen to see it. They speak of the great owl, which hunts whenever it is awake, and allows no other birds to hunt in it's forest.

Despite the 'omens', the owl known as Quiet grants no luck - however it takes an alert and skilled hunter to see them, so those hunters in effect have found their own luck already. Though they never need to rest, Quiet still hates the day, and has a voracious and insatiable hunger. Quiet sometimes ventures out to hunt during the daytime, but always shrouds the area in darkness when they do.

Quiet, the Midnight Hunter can be bound as a familiar, if you prove your worth. It requires an Intellego Animal lab total of 23. You can also make arguments for Perdo or Ignem/Imaginem.

Quiet, the Midnight Hunter

Magical Might: 12
Characteristics: Int -1, Per +5, Pre +0, Com -3, Str -5, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik +4
Size: -3
Season: Summer
Confidence: 1
Virtues and Flaws: Magical Animal; Essential Trait(stealthy, major), Great Perception x2, Keen Vision, Piercing Gaze, Puissant Hunt, Second Sight, Sharp Ears; Magical Friend, Mute, Nocturnal
Magical Qualities: Lesser Powers x2 (Stalker's Eyes, Daytime Shadow), Major Virtue(Essential Trait), Minor Virtue x2(Great Perception), No Fatigue, Personal Power (Silent Flight); Succeptible to Deprivation
Personality Traits: Owl +3*, Stealthy +6*, Predatory +2
Reputations: Hunter at Midnight 2(animals near home), Favorable Omen 1 (hunters near home)
Abilities: Area Lore(woods) 4, Athletics (flying) 4, Awareness (prey) 4, Brawl (swooping) 3, Hunt(rodents) 4+2, Second Sight(regiones) 3, Survival 3, Stealth 5
  • Silent Flight(0 might): As Quiet soars through their domain, they make no sound in the night (or day) air. While all owls are quiet, Quiet is utterly silent when flying around. (PeIm 15; base 3, +2 sun, +1 moving image, +1 constant; -2 might)
  • Stalker's Eyes (1 might): Quiet never loses prey once they find it. Selecting their prey is the first step to inevitable victory for the hunter, and the prey can never hide where Quiet cannot follow. (InAn[Co] 20; base 3?, +1 corpus requisite, +1 concentration, +3 sight range; -3 might) [Doesn't quite line up with hermetic theory]
  • Daytime Shadows (3 might): The hunting owl thrives at night, and Quiet can call the night-time when they desire. Quiet can banish the daytime and fill the world about it with gloom and shadow. This is nto complete darkness, but it will enshroud even brighter lights so Quiet can hunt more effectively. (PeIg 15; base 2, +1 touch, +1 intensity(can dim even bright lights, but does not create utter darkness), +2 room-sized area, +1 diameter)
Vis: 3 Perdo vis in eyes and heart

Note: Fixed typo in binding(22 -> 23)