
the Younger

Michael, named after his father, is the fourth son of a small nobleman by his second wife. Michael was never considered for anything great, but he was a bright and eager child. If he was any higher in the succession, his older brothers may have worked against him. As it was, his older brothers just hated having him around, and chased him away. Michael instead spent time with the priests and the servants, and exploring his home. He always travelled with his mother and father when they went between their home near York to visit London, and enjoyed exploring both cities. He often snuck out of his family buildings to go venturing, and somehow managed to always avoid trouble - it turns out something was watching over him, and he was one of the few children who never ran afoul of faeries. Michael begun to call his friendly ghost (actually a Guardian Angel) 'Michael' as well, giving people the impression that he was talking to himself.

Michael is slated in the next year or two to begin studies in a church school, but hasn't yet, so it may be possible to drag him away for apprenticeship. His family has good reputation, and he can use that. He also sometimes finds translucent feathers laying around, which are Divine Intellego vis. And though he's not immediately in succession, he's enough of a threat once one or two people die that he may be set to inherit.

For fun and entertainment, you could add True Faith. It'll cause problems of course. His lack of any weak stats means he can slide into any future role. He is going to be rather weak in cities, but can work well outside of them. You could trade Heir for Close Family Ties if you don't want to play the game where he risks inheritance.

Michael the Younger
Age 9
Personality: God-fearing +2, Experimental +1, Brave +2
Characteristics: Int +2, Pre +1, Sta +1, Com +1, Qik +1
Virtues: The Gift; Guardian Angel, Personal Vis Source, Social Contacts
Flaws: Heir, Susceptibility to Divine Power, Waster of Vis
Abilities: Area Lore: York 2, Area Lore: London 1, Brawl 1, Awareness 1, Charm 2, Etiquette 2, Folk Ken 2, Language: English 5, Language:French 2, Leadership 1, Music 1, Stealth 1