October 2019

Our First Year Classes all participated in the MS Readathon from October to November.

144 students signed up to the Readathon.

We also advertised in the Library and we had 12 students from other years also take part.

The total raised by our First Year Classes was: €461

We decided on giving school prizes for the following categories :

  1. Most Books Read

  2. Most Money Raised

  3. The Best Reader

Students who won in these categories were awarded a Kindle Fire each. They were also given a selection box.

Students in each class who raised the most money / raised the most money were given selection boxes.

The students loved taking part in the MS Readathon. Our most read winner had read a total of 20 books in the 4 week period. This was a huge achievement!

Our winners

Our winners for

  1. Most Money Raised

  2. Most books read