Wild About the Woods

Wild About the Woods is a forest ecology club in Leon County's 4-H Youth Development program. We learn about Florida's forests and natural ecosystems through nature walks and educational activities. Youth from age 5-18 can participate.  Each year, club members ages 8-18 can *optionally* compete in a wildlife contest at the North Florida Fair and/or at the 4-H State Forest Ecology contest. 

We meet on Monday evenings from 6-7:30pm at the Leon County Extension Office twice a month.  At these meetings we learn about different topics including Florida wildlife (mammals, birds and amphibians), Tree identification, Florida ecosystems, how to use Maps and Compasses, and more.  We do this through some Powerpoints, but also hands-on activities and games.  

We also meet once a month on Sunday afternoons (2-4pm) at different local parks and forests to do nature walks - stopping to make observations and touch all the things (except the poison ivy!) along the way. 

For youth ages 8-18 years old (as of Sept 1, 2023), the content we learn will help them prepare should they choose to participate in Forest Ecology contests.  However,  they can still absolutely enjoy the club without competing.  And we welcome youth under 8 years old at our meetings and nature walks, as long as they have parental supervision.  Also, members are welcome to join just for the nature walks or just for the meetings.

4-H clubs members plan their own programs, conduct meetings, elect their own officers, and take part in community service activities. As a Leon County 4-H'er, you are eligible to participate in other county, state, national and international 4-H programs.

Upcoming Calendar of Events

This site has sections to help youth prepare for the contests and also other interesting projects we have done in the club.

North Florida Fair Contest

State Forestry Contest 

Miscellaneous Stuff