Digital Differentiation

Differentiate with Google, Apple, and other Digital Tools

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Audience: Elementary and Secondary

Students may struggle or excel, making their learning frustrating or boring. For teachers it can be a challenge to address the needs of everyone in our classrooms. There are so many digital tools that support differentiation that a teacher (and student) can feel overwhelmed. This session will allow participants to experiment with some tools based on themes within differentiation, supplemented by additional ideas to try on your own:

  • Chrome Apps and Extensions (such as dictionaries, thesauri, speech to text-text to speech, creating citations, modifying web page content, changing font sizes and more)
  • Learn about and seek useful Add-ons for Google Drive apps
  • Learn to create Google Forms for quizzes that give formative and summative feedback
  • Use Google Classroom features for differentiation
  • Use tools to help students stay organized
  • Use devices such as iPads and iPhones and how they can be used to support and enhance learning
  • Use online polling/questioning/gaming tools that are anonymous and encourage student voice (Kahoot, Mentimeter, Socrative, Poll Everywhere)
  • Participants will get a brief overview of quick screencasting tools that can be used to make short explanation videos to assist and/or demonstrate student learning (such as Screencastify, Flipgrid)

This session will explore how you can build the confidence and motivation of your students by using Google and other tools to make your classroom more tailored to their learning needs.

Differentiate Digitally