#LearnHack 4.0 (November 2017)
Specific Challenges
Visualising the data literacy playground [Sam Ahern]
Help prototype the look and feel of the Data Literacy Playground. The data literacy playground will be an online space where 16-24yr olds can use, interact with and understand the benefits and issues of using and sharing data so that they can make informed choices about data sharing. - Can we build an online version of the Datopolis game?
(result: game logic prototyping on paper)
Development of the 360 degrees peer assessment system [Pilar Garcia Souto]
Students often do not feel the motivation to engage with the traditional peer assessment (PA) methods. We have created a new version of peer assessment (360 degrees PA) that engages students and rewards them accordingly. However a system needs to be developed to allow tutors to run this on Moodle. This will require to modify the Moodle Workshop activity.
Assessing freely-drawn graphs on Moodle [Pilar Garcia Souto]
The Moodle capabilities to assess graphs is very limited. The project aims to develop a new type of question for Moodle where students can draw a graph and get feedback immediately indicating if it is correct, or mistakes. This should be compatible with the Moodle cloze questions.
LabNotes [Amy Yutong]
Project to create a smarter lab experience that assists data recording, archiving and sharing to make data and data processing more long-lasting, time-saving and stress-free.
(result:demo website)
Entrepreneurship Challenge [Oli Pinch / Sarah Foxlee]
Within the education sector it is accepted that entrepreneurship education enhances the employability of students. But how can the entrepreneurship team prove this to current and prospective students (their audience) as well as the university (their funders) to support the continuation and expansion of their services.
Doctoral Skills Challenge: How do researchers assess their skills? [Rochelle Rowe / Kasia Bronk]
What skills do you need to do excellent research? What are you good at now? What might you develop for future? Postgraduate researchers in UK use the Researcher Development Framework to asses and track their professional development. For UCL postgraduate research students, there is a dedicated self-assessment tool available in their Research Student Log. But how can we make this experience both reflexive and practical?
UCL API Challenge: Improve UCL with UCL API [Wilhelm Klopp]
Use the services in UCL API (room bookings, timetable, search and OAuth) to make apps, websites, tools, etc. that improve UCL.
Start with our introductory guide: https://medium.com/ucl-api/welcome-to-the-ucl-api-e8fb7a664322
And our list of ideas: https://airtable.com/shr6VTHaIiZ19IObi
(result: uclapi-java github repro)
Entrepreneurship Challenges for Schools [Chryssi Chorafa]
Create a platform for primary and secondary schools where teachers with students learn to run entrepreneurship projects and apply coding, technology and digital skills.
TechSoc Challenges [Phil Demetriou / David Alm]
#1 Improving UCL Room Bookings
#2 Building an online social platform for the UCL Community