
Personal Tutoring

  • Do you know whom you go to if you have a problem?
  • Do you know that every taught student has a personal tutor?
  • Do you know who your personal tutor is?
  • Do you know what s/he is there for?
  • How well supported do you feel by your research supervisor?
  • Do you know who else and what other services are available to support you in your individual experience as a UCL student?

Do you want your voice to be heard?

Then, let’s get together to crowd-source ideas for creating an engaging resource for all UCL students and staff. (Coding is not necessary only enthusiasm and blue sky thinking)

What will you get out of it?

Your will have the power to shape your life at UCL. And if this is not enough, then think of all your friends who will be forever grateful for making their academic lives better!

We promise a lot of fun, food and rewards of some description!


About the facilitators

Mina Sotiriou, UCL Arena Centre for Research Based Education

Mina is passionate about learning and teaching, sometimes too passionate, and she loves working with creative, innovative people who can make things happen. In her early student years Mina realised that teaching can be so exciting and she made her mission to become a good teacher. 15 years later and she is still working on it!

Sam Smidt, UCL Arena Centre for Research Based Education

Sam is a physicist turned educator and person with many interests in learning and teaching. She is currently most interested in ways in which the UCL student experience can be made more individual!