Contraption Corner Challenge
#LearnHack challenges YOU to build a "Rube Goldberg Machine" this weekend!
What's a Rube Goldberg Machine?
In a nutshell, it's a chain reaction. Here's a random example:
Twist: Our #LearnHack contraption should link the digital and physical world somehow.
What can we build with?
We have a supply of craft materials to get you started, but feel free to incorporate your own objects or materials, such as cardboard, packaging or sweet wrappers. Think creatively!
To help you in your quest to make the most outrageously fun contraption talk to the digital realm, you can borrow items from the ISD/UCL Engineering treasure chest of electronics goodies: there are several Raspberry Pis, a few Little Bits kits and a Makey Makey board for you to play with.
Tip: Check out IFTTT.
It's a tool for building digital chain reactions. Their Maker channel may help you to connect the contraption to arduino/raspberry pi; Android/iOS device channels and the Do Button may also be particularly useful for this project.
This activity was inspired by sites like Instructables and The Tinkering Studio. It's here for you when your brain needs a lighthearted break from your actual #LearnHack project. :)
Big thanks to Prof John Mitchell for letting #LearnHack borrow Raspberry Pi kits!