
 2024 Lecture Series

Colloquium Talk by Dr. Michael Burri

Language Lost and Retrieved: Exploring Language Acquisition through a Transdisciplinary Lens

June 20th, Thursday, 14:40-16:10

Room M203, Multimedia Education and Research Complex 
Kawauchi Kita Campus

See more.

Posted on 2024.04.15

Colloquium Talk by Dr. Jim McKinley

ELT and EMI: How does research inform practices?

June 4th, Tuesday, 10:30-12:00

Room M204, Multimedia Education and Research Complex 
Kawauchi Kita Campus

See more.

Posted on 2024.05.14

Colloquium Talk by Dr. Kevin McManus

Examining key claims about usage-based second language acquisition through replication

May 30th, Thursday, 14:40-16:10

Room M203, Multimedia Education and Research Complex 
Kawauchi Kita Campus

See more.

Posted on 2024.04.18

Colloquium Talk by Dr. Francesca M.M. Citron

What makes figurative language more emotionally evocative?

Insights from neuroimaging

April 25th, Thursday, 14:40-16:10

Room M203, Multimedia Education and Research Complex 
Kawauchi Kita Campus

See more.

Posted on 2024.03.26

 2023 Lecture Series

Colloquium Talk by Dr. Ayaka Sugawara

Exploring prosodic and contextual influences on scope ambiguity in children and second language learners

Nov 22, 2023 Wednesday   16:20〜17:50

Room M204, Multimedia Education and Research Complex 
Kawauchi Kita Campus

See more.

Posted on 2023.09.27

Colloquium Talk by Dr. Masahiro Yoshihara

Lexical access in Chinese-Japanese bilinguals: An investigation using psychological experiments

Nov 7, 2023 Tuesday   16:20〜17:50

Room M201, Multimedia Education and Research Complex 
Kawauchi Kita Campus

See more.

Updated on 2023.10.22

Colloquium Talk by 葉 秉杰 博士

[[X]動詞連用形] 複合語に見るコンストラクション性と百科事典的知識との関連性

Nov 2, 2023 Thursday   16:30〜18:00

Room M204, Multimedia Education and Research Complex 
Kawauchi Kita Campus

See more.

Updated on 2023.10.22

TOHOKU-UCL Joint SLA Colloquium

TOHOKU-UCL SLA Joint Colloquium

Date:  2023.10.21 (Saturday)

Time: 15:30~19:35 (Japan Time)

          : 7:30~11:35 (UK Time)

Delivery: Zoom [Online]

Program table and abstracts


Posted on 2023.09.06

Colloquium Talk by Dr. Eva Puimège

Learning formulaic language from meaning-focused activities: insights from eye-tracking research

Oct 10, 2023 Tuesday   16:20〜17:50

Room M201, Multimedia Education and Research Complex 
Kawauchi Kita Campus

See more.

Posted on 2023.09.09

Colloquium Talk by Keita Ishii

Embedded Utterance Honorifics in Japanese as an Honorific Concord Phenomenon

Aug 4, 2023 Friday   16:30〜18:00

Conference Room, the Graduate School of International Cultural Studies
Kawauchi Kita Campus

Posted on 2023.06.20

Colloquium Talk by Prof. Keith Tong

My Friend ChatGPT: Developing Judicious, Accountable, Responsible Users of Generative AI Models 

Aug 2, 2023 Wednesday   17:00〜18:30

Room M204, Multimedia Education and Research Complex 
Kawauchi Kita Campus

See more.

Posted on 2023.06.20

Special Lecture by Dr. Yui Suzukida

Understanding Second Language Learners: The Roles of Cognitive and Sociopsychological Individual Differences in Speech Learning

May 30, 2023 Tuesday   18:00〜19:30

Room M204, Multimedia Education and Research Complex 
Kawauchi Kita Campus

See more.

Posted on 2023.04.26

特別講演  陳 燕青 博士


2023年4月24日(月) 18:00〜19:30

東北大学 川内北キャンパス 合同棟531

See more.

Posted on 2023.03.13

Special Lecture by Dr. Ping Li 

Using Digital Language Learning (DLL): Technology, Data, and the Brain

April 3, 2023, 4:00-5:30pm JST

Multimedia Education and Research Complex, Kawauchi Kita Campus, Tohoku University

Posted on 2023.03.13

 Winter-Spring 2022-23 Lecture Series

Special Lecture by Dr. Andrea Révész 

Using eye-tracking as a research and pedagogical tool: Insights from research on focus on form

March 9, 2023, 6:00-7:30pm JST

Multimedia Research Center, 6F Hall

Posted on 2022.12.13

Special Lecture by Dr. Derek Ho Leung Chan 

The Roles of L1 and Lexical Aspect in L2 Tense-aspect Acquisition

February 18, 2023, 3:00-4:30pm JST

Zoom Live

Posted on 2023.01.06

Special Lecture by Dr. Timothy J. Vance 

Lyman’s Law and /p/: An Experimental Study

Tuesday 14, 2023, 4:00-5:30pm JST

Multimedia Research Center, 6F Hall (Online participation is also welcome)

Posted on 2022.12.13

Special Lecture by Dr. Takumi Uchihara 

Defining and testing spoken vocabulary knowledge in second language

January 31, 2023, 3:00-4:30pm JST

Room M201, Multimedia Education and Research Complex, Kawauchi Kita Campus

Posted on 2022.12.13

Special Lecture by Dr. Edith Alderidge 

The use of word order to mark case in hentai kanbun and its development

January 27, 2023, 3:00-4:30pm JST

Room International Cultural Studies Building, 1st floor Meeting Room

Posted on 2022.12.13

Special Lecture by Dr. Thomas Pellard 

The Mirage of Transeurasian

December 20, 2022, 4:30-6:00pm JST

Zoom live

Posted on 2022.12.7

Special Lecture by Dr. Piia Astikainen 

Speech perception and speech sound learning in rodents and humans: electrophysiological evidence

December 13, 2022, 4:30-6:00pm JST

Room M204, Multimedia Education and Research Complex, Kawauchi Kita Campus

Posted on 2022.11.18

Special Lecture by Dr. John Whitman 

Old Japanese(and proto-Japonic) as a retracted tongue root harmony language

December 6, 2022, 8:00-9:30pm JST

Zoom Live

Posted on 2022.11.13

Special Lecture by Dr. Junko Ito 

Factorial typology of Japanese lexical and postlexical accents

November 289 2022, 4:30-6:00pm JST

Room M204, Multimedia Education and Research Complex, Kawauchi Kita Campus

Posted on 2022.11.13

 Winter-Spring 2021-22 Lecture Series

Special Lecture by Dr. Naho Orita

Revisiting Japanese children's knowledge of the locality of zibun 

March 14, 2022, 6:00-8:00pm JST

Zoom Live

Posted on 2022.2.22

Special Lecture by Dr. Keith Tong

"All's forgiven": Re-thinking TESOL Methodologies in Higher Education in Asia

February 5, 2022, 3:00-4:30pm JST

Zoom Live

Posted on 2022.2.22

Special Lecture by Professor Andrea Révész

Investigating task-based processes: The case of writing

January 31, 2022, 5:00-6:30pm JST

Zoom Live

Posted on 2022.2.22


オンラインアプリを利用した会話活動による日本語の「聞く」「話す」能力の向上 ータイ人日本語学習者のコミュニケーション・ストラテジー 



Posted on 2022.2.22

Winter-Spring 2020-21 Lecture Series

Special Lecture by Dr. Kazuya Saito

New insights into talented learners of a second language: How does having and training a good ear matter?

March 29, 2021, 4:30-6:00pm JST

Zoom Live

Posted on 2022.2.2

Special Lecture by Dr. Catherine McBride

Gems, accidents, and tips: Adventures in longitudinal studies in literacy

March 25, 2021, 2:00-3:30pm JST

Zoom Live

Posted on 2022.2.2

Special Lecture by Dr. Ming Xiang

The interaction between discourse and grammar in verb phrase ellipsis and deaccenting

March 23, 2021, 10:00-11:30am JST

Zoom Live

Posted on 2022.2.2

Special Lecture by Dr. Yang Jing

The Bilingual Brain: Language Representation and Language Control

March 17, 2021, 3:00-4:30pm JST

Zoom Live

Posted on 2022.2.2

Special Lecture by Dr. Manuel Perea

Does top-down feedback modulate the encoding of orthographic representations during visual-word recognition?

March 15, 2021, 4:00-5:30pm JST

Zoom Live

Posted on 2022.2.2

Past Events

List of Past Lectures

List of Past Seminars & Workshops