Special Lecture by Professor Andrea Révész

Investigating task-based processes: The case of writing

The last three decades have seen a significant advancement in describing and understanding task-based language performance and development. So far, however, relatively little research has examined the cognitive processes in which learners engage during task-based work. In this talk, I will argue that, to facilitate theory-construction as well as pedagogical practices, it is crucial that researchers dedicate more attention to task-generated cognitive processes. Taking the case of writing tasks, I will highlight methodological innovations in the field, and demonstrate how adopting more novel data collection technologies (e.g., keystroke-logging, eye-tracking) and combining these with traditional techniques (e.g., verbal protocols) can generate new and more valid information about task-generated cognitive processes. I will also discuss challenges in triangulating and interpreting results obtained from various data sources. In doing so, I will draw on my own and colleagues' recent work on L2 writing processes and behaviours.

About the Speaker

Professor Andrea Révész is a Professor of Second Language Acquisition at the UCL Institute of Education, University College London. She obtained her doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University. Prior to joining UCL, she worked at Georgetown University and Lancaster University. Her main research interests lie at the interfaces of second language acquisition and instruction, with particular emphases on the roles of task, interaction, and individual differences in SLA. More recently, she has also begun investigating the cognitive processes underlying second language writing and speaking performance. She serves as associate editor of the journal Studies in Second Language Acquisition and is Vice-President of the International Association for Task-based Language Teaching (IATBLT). She was a winner of the 2017 IATBLT Best Research Article Award and is co-recipient of the 2018 TESOL Award for Distinguished Research.

2022.1.31 Colloquium Poster Professor Andrea Révész UCL.pdf

Date: January 31, 2022

Time: 5:00-6:30pm JST

Language: English

Venue: Zoom Live


Hyeonjeong Jeong (ジョン ヒョンジョン)

Email: jeong(at)tohoku.ac.jp

Graduate School of International Cultural Studies (国際文化研究科)

Posted on 2022.3.22