Special Lecture by Dr. Edith Alderidge

The use of word order to mark case in hentai kanbun and its development

It is well known that hentai kanbun was used historically as a method for writing Japanese, though it incorporates certain aspects of Chinese grammar, for instance using word order to mark grammatical relations rather than morphological affixes or particles. Interestingly, however, word order patterns in hentai kanbun often differ from both Japanese and Chinese. This presentation examines various word order patterns employed for marking grammatical relations in the Kojiki, Nihon Ryoiki, Shomonki, and Mido Kanpakuki and on the basis of these differences discusses the systematic ways in which these patterns changed over time.

About the Speaker

Dr. Edith Alderidge is received her PhD in linguistics in 2004 at Cornell University. She worked as a visiting assistant professor at Stony Brook University from 2002 to 2005 and Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University from 2005 to 2007. She was Assistant and subsequently Associate Professor at the University of Washington from 2007 to 2021, after which time she became a Research Fellow at Academia Sinica in Taiwan. Aldridge’s research focuses on comparative and diachronic syntax, with language concentrations in Chinese, Austronesian, and Japanese.

Dr_Edith Alderidge 20230127-v2.pdf

Date: January 27, 2023

Time: 3:00-4:30pm JST

Language: English

Venue: International Cultural Studies Building, 1st floor Meeting Room


Matthew Zisk

Email: matthew.zisk.a6(at)tohoku.ac.jp

Graduate School of International Cultural Studies (国際文化研究科)

Posted on 2022.11.18