Special Lecture by Dr. Naho Orita

Revisiting Japanese children's knowledge of the locality of zibun

The Japanese reflexive zibun can be bound both locally and across clause boundaries. However, we show that in speech to children long-distance reflexive zibun does not occur, leading us to ask about children's knowledge. Although previous studies have reported that children have knowledge of long-distance zibun (Okabe 2008; Otsu 1997), we argue that those studies had methodological biases that could lead children to accept the long-distance antecedent even if it were not grammatically licensed. Using improved experimental materials, we show that children, unlike adults, disallow the long-distance antecedent for zibun, despite being able to access this antecedent for a non-local pronoun kare.

About the Speaker

Dr. Naho Orita is an Associate Professor of Faculty of Science and Engineering at Waseda University. She obtained her Ph.D. in Linguistics from University of Maryland. Her research has focused on questions about how people learn, represent, and process their language from limited resources (e.g., input, memory, and computation). Her research has been interdisciplinary, drawing on questions and techniques from linguistics and computer science. She serves as Associate Editor of the journal Topics in Cognitive Science.

2022.3.14 Naho Orita Colloquium Poster.pdf

Date: March 14, 2022

Time: 1:30-3:00pm JST

Language: English

Venue: Zoom Live


Daiko Takahashi (高橋 大厚)

Email: daiko(at)tohoku.ac.jp

Graduate School of International Cultural Studies (国際文化研究科)

Posted on 2022.3.22