Special Lecture by Dr. Junko Ito

Factorial Typology of Japanese Lexical and Postlexical Accents

A factorial typology in OT (Optimality Theory, Prince and Smolensky 1993) is the set of all grammars and languages predicted by a given set of constraints. If there are n constraints, there will be n!=1*2*...*n ("n factorial") different grammars (producing usually less than n! different languages, since several rankings of the constraints often converge on the same language). Building on the descriptive work of Kubozono 2012, this talk will develop a factorial typology of the lexical and postlexical tone system of Japanese, focusing on the tonal microvariation in the Kagoshima dialects (Ito and Mester 2018). In the process, various prosodic issues of general import will arise, such as the prosodic hierarchy, syllables vs. moras as counting units and accent carriers, and the interplay of lexical and postlexical processes in a stratal organization of grammar (Kiparsky 2015).

About the Speaker

Dr. Junko Ito is a linguist with a research focus in phonological theory (study of speech sounds), as it relates to prosodic structure, lexical accent, and more recently, the syntax-prosody interface. Since her dissertation, which developed a prosodic theory of the syllable (onset/coda restrictions, and prosodic licensing), her work has been concerned with constraint-based phonological theory, specifically with an optimality-theoretic model of phonology. One empirical focus of her research has been the morphophonemics and prosody of Japanese, as it pertains to word structure and its phonological form. A secondary line of investigation concerns the structure of the phonological lexicon and its implications for the theory of grammar. Besides Japanese, languages analyzed in her work include Ancient Greek, Ainu, Danish, English, and German.

202211.29 Poster Dr_Junko Ito talk 2022-11.pdf

Date: November 29, 2022

Time: 4:30-6:00pm JST

Language: English

Venue: Room M204, Multimedia Education and Research Complex, Kawauchi Kita Campus


Daiko Takahashi (高橋 大厚)

Email: daiko(at)tohoku.ac.jp

Graduate School of International Cultural Studies (国際文化研究科)

Posted on 2022.11.7