SPSAS is an initiative to disseminate knowledge and promote integration and collaboration between scientists and future scientists around the globe and also disseminate the efforts of the State of São Paulo in relation to research and attract talents world-wide

Teachers who teach in the disciplines at SPSAS are highly visible researchers worldwide, evidenced by elements such as receiving high-level scientific awards, impact publications recognized by the community, and leadership in internationally prominent organizations.

Students participating in SPSAS must be enrolled in undergraduate or postgraduate courses in Brazil or abroad, being potential candidates for Masters, PhD or postgraduate internships in higher education and research institutions in the State of São Paulo. Some young doctors may also be accepted.

Students selected to participate in the courses will have the opportunity to present their research results in poster sessions, discussing the progress of their results with the participating scientists.

Each SPSAS receives about 100 students, of whom around 50% are from abroad. For the maintenance of selected students coming from other cities, states and countries, the benefits offered are airfare, local ground transportation (airport-hotel) and daily expenses in the city that will host the school.

The SPSAS on Frontiers in Lasers and their Applications will be carried out entirely in the English language therefore, a high level of comprehension and communication skills are required of the attendees.

Hands-on activities

Poster sessions

Social Events

  • Hands-on activities will happen in the Center for Laser and Applications
  • Atendees will share experiences in a poster session, presenting theirs research projects and results.
  • Social and cultural events is also an important part of SPSAS

The SPSAS logo was based on the building known as the College's Courtyard (Pateo do Collégio) which marks the foundation of the city of São Paulo on January 25, 1554. The construction was a Jesuit college and is still in activity. For more info: click here to go to wikipedia.