Institute for Nuclear and Energetic Research (IPEN), was founded in 1956 in order to construct the first nuclear research reactor in Latin America. The nuclear reactor is still under operation (one of the oldest reactor in use in the world) and can be visited by the school's attendees.

Asides from two nuclear reactors, IPEN has 10 research centers, one of which is the Center for Lasers and Applications (CLA), as well as the largest production facility for nuclear medicine (radio-pharmaceuticals) for which IPEN holds exclusive rights in Brazil.

IPEN in numbers:

      • ~700 emploees
      • 1000 grad and post grad students
      • area of 500.000 square meters (approximately 70 soccer fields)
      • 11 research centers are installed

Dive in (virtual reallity) a working nuclear reactor (use the mouse to pan around the video) and have a close look in the Cherenkov Effect!

The Center for Lasers and Applications was stablished in 1978 and was a spinoff from the researches of radiation dosimetry crystals. Today among the main activities are: femtosecond applications and machining; biophotonics&health; enviromental applications; lasers and random lasers research; LIBS; Low coherence interferometry and OCT and lasers applications on radioactive and nuclear facilities.

The IPEN (holding Institution) is located inside the University of São Paulo (USP) largest campus, which is the largest Brazilian public university and the country's most prestigious educational institution, the best university in Ibero-America, and holds a high reputation among world universities, being ranked 100 worldwide in reputation by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. USP is involved in teaching, research and university extension in all areas of knowledge, offering a broad range of courses. The IPEN Post-Graduation is part of the USP program. (adapted from wikipedia)

University of São Paulo aerial view of part of the campus
