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Organizing committee:

Niklaus Wetter

(General chair)

Ricardo Samad

Marcus Raele

Martha Ribeiro

Eduardo Landulfo

Wagner de Rossi

Denise Zezell

Anderson Zanardi

This event also have the organizing support of the SPIE Student Chapter University of São Paulo.

This event also thanks the organizing support from MackGraphe.

This event also have the organizing support from OSA.

Useful resources & files

Promotional material

Briefing text (English)

    • From July 16th to 27th, 2018, the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Frontiers in Lasers and their Applications will take place at the Center for Lasers and Applications at IPEN, in São Paulo, Brazil, together with the XVI Jorge André Swieca School on Nonlinear and Quantum Optics. Fifty Brazilian participants and 50 foreigners from all over the world will be selected, from undergraduate students to Post Docs, who will have their travel and living expenses paid by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Interested parties must register for the selection process at no later than March 31st.

Briefing text (Portuguese)

    • De 16 a 27 de julho de 2018 acontecerá no Centro de Laser e Aplicações do IPEN, em São Paulo, a Escola São Paulo de Ciência Avançada em Fronteiras de Lasers e suas Aplicações (São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Frontiers in Lasers and their Applications) juntamente com a XVI Escola André Swieca de Óptica Quântica e Óptica Não Linear. Serão selecionados 50 participantes brasileiros e 50 estrangeiros, desde alunos de graduação até Pós-Docs, que terão suas despesas de viagem e estadia custeadas pela FAPESP. Os interessados devem se inscrever no processo seletivo em até 31 de março.


SPSAS (click here)

SWIECA (click here)