There are a total of 100 grants available for students from all over the world that include travel expenses and living costs.

The following documents will be required*:

    1. Recommendation letter;
    2. Single page scientific resume (Microsoft Word TEMPLATE);
    3. One page abstract of the present research, including figures and references;
    4. Fill out an online questionnaire (closed).

Candidates under 18 years old cannot apply due to regulations of the host institution.

*For the application process a Google Account is needed in order to access the templates, view the form and upload the PDF files.

A Scientific Committee will analyze each application and will chose those applicants with the highest affinity and potential to benefit from the school.

The grants will benefit roughly a total of 50 Brazilian students, 25 Latin american students and 25 students from other parts of the world.

The same rules apply for students that do not require financial aid and who may apply also for the school.