Open Fleet

The Open Fleet consists of mono hull boats that don't have LFSC's mandatory 4 consistent qualifiers required to have their own fleet or prefer to sail in a larger fleet setting. In observation they race in a larger mixed fleet. The fleet is a blend between older established classes that are still built today and some more contemporary. 

A modified "Portsmouth System" is utilized for scoring meaning every boat has a chance to win regardless of class. There are regattas in the area for each of the classes in the fleet. The Open Fleet gives us the opportunity to get together twice a week and still have a lot of fun. It's also a great place to just get out racing or build a fleet from. Current classes include the following found below and others! 

Mark your calendars for the 2024 LFSC Open Regatta, September 21-22, 2024. Check the "Regattas" tab for more information.

Click HERE to view Legacy Fleet Champions for the Open Fleet!