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Things that sing in the night: melodicand rhythmic intervals in a nocturnal bird | MUSIC & THE MIND | 2023

The Octopus vulgaris 'case': exploring neural hallmarks for consciousness | SINS | 2023

Running into the Lion's Den: Naïve 3-day-old Domestic Chicks Are Attracted to Predator Voices | COGEVO | 2023

Teleological behavior in Tenebrio molitor larvae | COGEVO | 2023

The search of neural correlates of conscious states in cephalopods molluscs | COGEVO | 2023

Do Non-singing Birds have got Rhythm too? Insights from Timing Analysis of Domestic Chicks' Contact Calls | ESCBC | 2022

The social nature of consonant sounds. Insights from chicks | Neuromusic VII | 2021

Calming effect of rocking in an avian species | TSPC | 2019 

Subverting the naïve (mis)perception of animal intelligence: From the scala naturae to the Darwinian tree via a simple survey | Avian hatching as a strategy to test context-specific habituation | ECVP | 2018

Pre and post hatching associative habituation in chicks | Ten years of the Mind/Brain Sciences at the University of Trento | 2017

Poster on consonance | poster on detour | poster on looming | poster on grasping | TSPC | Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition | 2016

Decapod crustaceans used for scientific research: A new challenge for life scientists in animal care and welfare | AISAL | Modelli animali e modelli alterativi: Quale futuro per la ricerca? | 2016 | download the list of references | contacts

Habituation reveals context-dependent learning in newborn chicks | AAPC | Alps-Adria Psychology Conference | 2016

Reasons to laugh | COGEVO | Rovereto Workshop on Cognition and Evolution | 2016

Exploring lateralization in a non-social crustacean, the crayfish Pocambarus clarkii | COGEVO | Rovereto Workshop on Cognition and Evolution | 2016

Processing of rhythmical acoustic patterns in domestic chicks. A behavioural exploration | TSPC | Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition | 2015

Asymmetric light stimulation may alter hemispheric attentional bias in chicks | RAW | Rovereto Attention Workshop | 2015

Innate appreciation of surfaces arrangement to navigate in the environment | SEQS | Workshop on Science of Experiential and Qualitative Spaces | 2014

Would you exchange you mum's bag with a stranger's identical one? Chicks neither | COGEVO | Rovereto Workshop on Cognition and Evolution | 2012

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