CyberSpike/Open ECSC Rules
1. Participation
1.1. Every player participates at CyberSpike individually. There are no teams at CyberSpike.
1.2. Every player participates under their name using their user account at the CyberSpike competition platform.
1.3. Every player solves competition tasks on their own without using the help of other people. It is allowed to use instructions, guides, and manuals made by other people if these materials are not created specifically to solve CyberSpike tasks.
1.4. Every player can pick an avatar for themselves in the competition platform, which is shown in podium view. It’s possible to pick a system default avatar or choose a custom one.
1.5. Custom avatars must not be NSFW, confrontational, aggressive, or bullying against others, also not harmful to the functioning of the platform.
1.6. You can participate at the 2022 CyberSpike when you are 14-25 year old at 31.12.xx
2. Tasks and scoring
2.1. Competition is comprised of tasks that give points to players.
2.2. Every task has a description and a question which specifies, what the player has to enter as a solution (flag). This can be text, numbers, hash, sentences, or something else.
2.3. Every player can open as many tasks as they want in any order. Abandoning tasks (closing a task without a solution) does not incur a penalty.
2.4. Every task has a maximum point score that the player will receive after solving it successfully.
2.5. Every task also contains hints. Hints have a price as a negative score, which will incur after opening the hint.
2.6. After solving the task, the player will receive points which are calculated by taking the maximum points of the tasks and deducting the price of taken hints.
3. Preliminary round
3.1. CyberSpike preliminary round is held from 2.-3.12.2022
3.2. Every registered player has the opportunity to solve preliminary round tasks during that time
3.3. After the preliminary round ends, the list of finalists will be drawn based on each player’s accumulated points. If players have an equal amount of points, the player who has fewer wrong submissions for tasks will be placed higher on the list.
3.4. The first 50 finalists or more from the preliminary round will be advanced to the final round and recieve an invite to the final round
3.5. Organizers reserve the right to disqualify any players that they have a reasonable doubt of cheating, wrongdoing, or breaking the rules.
4. Final round
4.1. CyberSpike final round is held at 10.12.2022
4.2. Every player can open as many tasks as they want
4.3. To get the invite to the round you need to fill registration form where additional questions are asked and proper ID is provided (proof of Eligibility)
4.4. When you have passed inspection then you will recieve a token, you need to use to be part of the CyberSpike final round.
4.5. Special qualification to Worldskills:
4.5.1. Players can indicate while signing up that they study in vocational school and wish to apply to the Worldskills competition by using CyberSpike competition as a qualifier.
4.5.2. Worldskills qualification criteria for players with this indication will be calculated based on only main phase tasks in CyberSpike final round.
4.6. Leaderboard and winners:
4.6.1. CyberSpike's final round leaderboard is calculated in realtime based on every player’s score. The winner will be declared after the competition end based on the highest score.
4.6.2. If there are multiple players with an equal number of points as the highest score, then the best player is selected with the least number of wrong submissions to tasks. In other words, the winner is the player who has achieved his score with the least number of submissions.
5. Gameplay limits
5.1. During the preliminary round and final round players are not allowed :
5.1.1. Cooperate with other people when solving the tasks.
5.1.2. Share solutions, walkthroughs, or instructions for solving the tasks with other people.
5.1.3. Attack any machine or system other than the designated ones in tasks, create denial of service attacks or other disruptions against the game platform, and intentionally limit or prevent other players' participation.
5.2. If a player is breaking the rules of the competition, the organizers have the right to give the player 1 warning or disqualify them from the competition.
Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) provides the possibility to test your cyber security skills through competition CyberSpike. In order to ensure fair play, and that every member is treated with the respect they deserve, these are the rules of the game. Abide, and we'll let you play. Break them, and you are disqualified.
By registering to participate in a competition CyberSpike you confirm your knowledge of an agreement to be bound by the then most current version of these regulations that are linked from the Site www.cyberspike.ee.
· TalTech may modify these regulations at any time, without advance notice. You are responsible for reviewing these rules periodically for any modifications. Your continued use of the Site following such modifications signifies your acceptance of those modifications.
· Additional terms may apply to your use of any Service, including contest rules and eligibility. TalTech will provide these terms to you or post them on the website pages to which they apply. If there is a conflict between these terms and any additional terms that apply to a particular Service, the additional terms will control.
When the provided information turns out to be false or competitor displays behavior which may be interpreted as the use of unfair methods (example helping others to cheat/uses outside help or disrupt competition supporting infrastructure or other) or whom we reasonably believe may be or will be violating the terms and conditions, will be disqualified from the competition, at any time without notice.
In order to compete an individual must:
· be a natural person, at least 14 years old (up to 25 or as stated in the registration form) and enter a valid e-mail address into the registration form
· have not been part of developing or testing the CyberSpike competition platform used in the current year
· comply with these T&Cs at all times
o Additional rules may apply every year who is eligible to participate in the online preliminary and final (main) competition.
Information Required (GDPR)
We gather personal information due to provide the service of CyberSpike competition - send you reminders of the event (Qualification and Final round), regulate access to the Game system, determine the winners and solve disputes.
We do not share your personal information with third parties without your consent; the exception is that we share your name and school/company as list of participants to our main supporter (Ministry of Defence).
In a case of GDPR please contact Birgy Lorenz birgy.lorenz@taltech.ee
Upon registration to the competition you are required to provide the following information:
· full name
· your e-mail address
· birth date
· phone number
· school, where you are studying
· work, where are you working
· Extra information is collected solely in academic reasons and base of participation in international competitions: skill level self-evaluation, role preferences
No other data is gathered with the registration form.
Data of the proof will be kept 1 year from the registration as the competition cycle last 1 year (possibility to be involved in different sub-iniatives).
The information provided must be true, accurate, current and complete, as requested. You agree to update the registration data to keep it current and accurate. If TalTech determines you are registering with purposely incorrect information, TalTech reserves the right to disqualify your participation from the competition. Knowingly submitting incomplete or inaccurate information will result in immediate termination of your participation forfeiture of any prizes or winnings to which you may have otherwise been entitled.
Proof of Eligibility
TalTech may at any time require any participant to provide proof of eligibility to participate in CyberSpike order to continue, and each member hereby acknowledges and accepts this condition of their participation as a reasonable measure to ensure the security and fairness of the competition. In addition, each member will be required to provide proper identification (copy of the ID-card, passport or other) and proof of eligibility prior to receiving a prize or the continuing to the Final round.
Data of the proof will be kept 1 year from the registration as the competition cycle last 1 year (possibility to be involved in different sub-iniatives).
Data used in competition system (GamePlay)
persons full name and email is used to sharing access account to the system
Data collected upon competition system (GamePlay)
Data gathered contains: screenshots, logs of the events, scores from the assignments, time from doing the assignment
Results will be stored and analyzed to determine the winners, solve the disputes for 1 year
Results will be anonymized for the academic research done later
Results shared publicly
Best 50 names from the qualification round will be announced on the CyberSpike website, social media channels, and news
Winners or the Final round and participants of the CyberCamp will be announced on the CyberSpike website, social media channels, and news
Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy describes our practices concerning data that you provide or that we may collect about you through the Services, and you consent to our use and disclosure of such data in compliance with the Privacy Policy. As more described in the Privacy Policy, when you accept any prize in connection with the Services, you will execute a release which will constitute your consent for TalTech disclosure of personal information for the promotional purposes described in next section.
Express Consent for Business Purposes and Promotional Activities
When you register for the competition, we ask for your consent so that TalTech and its affiliates may display your name and records and other usage information collected through the Site/news or other, for the purpose of promotion, including the promotion of tournaments and games, us and its affiliates. By accepting any prize from us and its affiliates, you agree to allow TTU and its affiliates to use, distribute, modify, adapt, reproduce, print, publish, publicly display, and broadcast, royalty-free, worldwide, in any media and at any time, your name, picture, voice, likeness, and/or biographical information for promotional or related purposes without additional compensation.
CyberSpike competition
Skilled Gaming for Prizes
Each member acknowledges that the outcome of the matches and tournaments offered on the CyberSpike are directly related to the number of members participating, and the skill levels of each member participating.
Prizes are generally disclosed at the beginning of such tournaments. If a tournament has to close prematurely, such as for maintenance or technical problems, the prize for the tournament will be determined by the TalTech.
Determination of Winners
The results and winners of each tournament offered on the Site will be determined by TalTech, and such determinations are final. By registering and/or participating in any tournament, you agree to be bound by these determinations.
Game Play
TalTech is not responsible for technical, hardware or software malfunctions, lost or unavailable network connections, disconnects from your game play on your platform, or any incorrect or inaccurate results that may be posted on your online game. You may not: (a) gain unauthorized access to the CyberSpike systems or any account (other than your own), interfere with the communications, procedures or performance of the competition or deliberately damage or undermine the competition or other. Any attempt to do so will result in the termination of your user participation and forfeiture of all winnings, bonuses and incentives to which you would otherwise be entitled. TalTech in its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate any participant involvement that is suspected of tampering with their game results for the tournament entered, or who otherwise violates these rules and to seek legal enforcement to the greatest extent possible, including referral to criminal prosecution authorities.
Offenders will be deemed to be intentionally violating the T&Cs and will face a minimum 1-year suspension, a second violation (next years) will result in a permanent suspension.
Any dispute filed without evidence will be considered invalid.
Preliminary competition
Any and all evidence must be sent to support within 4 hours after the scheduled match time. TalTech/or affiliating organizing team has the sole discretion to ask users to provide additional evidence in order to determine the accurate winner. After thirty-six (36) hours of the preliminary competition results will be final with no undoing, cancelling, or re-assigning winners.
Final/Main competition
Any and all evidence must be sent to support within 30 minutes after the scheduled match time. TalTech/or affiliating organizing team has the sole discretion to ask users to provide additional evidence in order to determine the accurate winner. After one (1) hour of the main competition results will be final with no undoing, cancelling, or re-assigning winners.
Claiming a false win: If a participant claims a “win” in a competition that was either; not played, not completed, drawn or lost, an automatic forfeit and suspension will be issued, following on the suspension guideline listed above.
Submitting false evidence: If a participant submits “false evidence”; evidence that has previously been submitted or archived from a previous match, evidence that has been altered in any way, or false evidence that has been created, then that user will automatically forfeit the match and immediately face a suspension, based on the suspension guideline listed above.
Abusive behaviour on platform/service: Any abusive, obscene, lewd, threatening or insulting behaviour by a participant towards TalTech staff, affiliating organizing team or other players on the CyberSpike competition will result in their immediate suspension for an indefinite period of time as determined by TalTech staff. Sending multiple tickets associated with the same issue will result in disciplinary action following the suspension guideline.
Cheating: Any participants who are caught cheating/boosting their statistics in any match on CyberSpike will be suspended, based on the suspension guideline listed above. If cheating or boosting of records occurs during any bracket, leaderboard, or ladder style tournament, the user will be immediately disqualified.
Intellectual Property Rights Protected
Acknowledgment of Proprietary Rights
By registering and participating in any CyberSpike competitions, or using the Services, you acknowledge that all content included in the Services, including all Site design, text, graphics, photos, audio, video, the selection and arrangement thereof, and all software that forms part of the Services (collectively, the "Content") is owned or licensed by TalTech and/or its licensors. You agree to not modify, publish, participate in the transfer or sale of, create derivative works from, or in any way exploit the Content, except that you may download one copy for your personal, non-commercial home use only, provided you keep intact all copyright and other proprietary notices. TalTech neither warrants nor represents that your use of the Content will not infringe rights of third parties. While TalTech uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information, TalTech makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any Content and assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the Content.
The trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the "Trademarks") displayed and forming part of the Content, including the names of all games and tournaments, are registered and unregistered Trademarks of TalTech and/or others. Nothing contained on the Site should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license or right to use any of the Trademarks displayed on the Site without the written permission of TalTech or such third party that owns the Trademark displayed on the Site. Your misuse of any Trademark displayed on the Site, or any other Content, except as provided in these T&Cs and applicable copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property restrictions, is strictly prohibited.
You are also advised that TalTech will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, including but not limited to, the active pursuit of civil litigation and referral for criminal and quasi-criminal prosecution where appropriate.