About the project
Cyber Olympic project author and founder of Cyber Olympic is Ministry of Defence.
Happy to share the news - our Estonian Cyber Olympic project is pretty good - Informatics Europe thinks so!
CyberOlympic project has been noted as:
2018 runner-up for the best project Best Practices in Education Award by Informatics Europe.
Estonian Science Communication Award from Estonian Research Council in 2022.
Results: 7 years 93 000 contacts made over several competitions with Estonian students from 1-12th grade. Around 40% all Estonian schools heva participated.
Slides of current situation of cyber security education in Estonia
Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), the only technological university in Estonia, is the flagship of Estonian engineering and technology education. TalTech is driven by internationalization, entrepreneurship, and innovation. With 14,000 students and 2000 staff members, TalTech has an internationally recognized research university and a promoter of economic development and innovation in Estonia and globally. TalTech cooperates with world-leading universities and major high-tech companies and start-ups.
ICT research and education are one of the cornerstones of TalTech. Research and educational programs cover a wide spectrum of ICT areas, such as electronics, computer systems, software engineering, cybersecurity, e-governance, and others. The educational programs are run in tight cooperation with the industry sector and international organizations. The interdisciplinary research is mostly conducted within the framework of various international joint research projects. For example, TalTech’s ICT research groups have been involved as partners in more than 10 EU FP7 and H2020 projects, coordinating five of them.
Core competencies: programming and spoken human language; technology; design and test of embedded systems; signal processing; robotics; biomedical technology; cybersecurity and digital forensics; e-governance; situational awareness; agent-based modeling; system administration and development; information systems analysis.
On another side, our will find information about TalTech Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security successful program called Cyber Olympic, that focuses on finding young cybersecurity experts and raise digital safety level all over Estonia.
TalTech Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security combines 20 academics (from Ph.D. students to professors) and 10 cybersecurity experts to work on different world or local level R/D projects and run an English language cybersecurity master´s program. We are also a founding member of the European Cyber Security Organization and Estonian Information Security Association.
CyberOlympic program goals are to: identify young talents in the cyber defence and offence field; implement a proper training program for young talents in the field; educate the wider audience to raise citizen’s awareness of crime prevention and possibilities to get educated; promote cybersecurity field education and career possibilities in Estonia; analyse possible shortcomings and shortcuts in cybersecurity awareness and training programs; propose scientific solutions through gamification, analysing competences.
• CyberPin – testing for 7-12-year-old students about logic, crypto and IT problem-solving challenges;
• CyberCracker - awareness study on 10-15-year-old students digital safety;
• CyberDrill - CaptureTheFlag like competition technical school round and national round for 12-18 year old;
• CyberSpike - like Olympic of Cyber - higher level hacking competition and training program for 14-24-year-old students; sending students to participate in European Cyber Security Challenge and many other hacking challenges all over the world;
• Seminars/conferences and other CTF-s - sharing best practices between researchers and practitioners. Community development for teachers, IT specialists, entrepreneurs, scientists, students, and parents;
•Curriculum and material development for Estonian schools starting from the 1st grade. One goal is to gamified cybersecurity education and makes it more practical by providing interesting exercises that help to develop thinking skills. Example: get your Cyber Security Game 1st Edition here go.ttu.ee/game
The project is supported by the Estonian Ministry of Defence, and years 2017-2018, 2022 by the Estonian Internet Foundation.
CyberPin (1-6th graders) February to March (5651 participants)
CyberCracker (4.-9th graders) 1.10-15.11.2021 (7245 participants, 173 schools)
CyberDrill (7-12th graders) school round 1.10-15.11.2021 and main round December (3871 paricipants, 117 schools)
CyberSpike 14-25 year old talents (222 participants)
European Cyber Security Challenge competition in Austria (10 participants for Team Estonia)
Conference for teachers 150 participants
CyberPin (1-6th graders) 9.02-31.03.2021 (7506 students)
CyberCracker (4.-9th graders) 1.10-15.11.2021 (7487 students, 168 schools)
CyberDrill (7-12th graders) school round 1.10-15.11.2021 and main round December (3920 students, 134 schools)
CyberSpike 14-25 year old talents (120 participants)
European Cyber Security Challenge online competition (10 participants for Team Estonia)
Conference for teachers 210 participants
CyberPin - a new competition for 1.-6. graders until end of the February. 243 schools (8873 students) took part.
CyberCracker - 1.10.-15.11.2020 took place for 230 schools 13 000+ students who take the test.
Cyber Drill - school round 1.10-15.11.2020, main round 8.12.2020. 90 schools with 3188 students participated in preliminary and 144 teams (over 400 students) at the final round.
CyberSpike - registration on January, 3.-8.03.2020 preliminary round for 14-24-year-old participants (300). The top 50 were invited to the main round held on 12.06.2020.
ENISA HackFest (40 participants representing Estonia)
Conference for teachers 120 participants
CyberSpike competition registration opened in January. Preliminary took place in March, the main qualification round in June. All Estonian citizens and residents that are 14-24-year-old were invited to participate. TTÜ CyberConference will took place in 12.June. CyberSpike preliminary - 3-10.03.2019, CyberSpike main competition 12.06.2019. 200 students registered for the preliminary and 50 were invited to the main round.
CyberCracker study runned in October for 8688 students. School round (CyberDrill) - October the school round (2344 students participated) and 13. December 2019 the main round for 188 students.
The Competition name is changed to CyberSpike, training to CyberCamp.
Competition CyberSpike preliminary took place 6.-8. March. 170 participants registered. 50 people were invited to the qualification round that will take place on 12.06.2018 at TTÜ IT Kolledž. The best was awarded the CyberSpike Cup, and other prizes. All participants will be awarded a certificate. The competition is organized by Estonian Defense Forces CyberRange.
For 14-24-year-old best participants (citizens) were invited to a 7-9 day training program called CyberCamp from June to September. Team Estonia (best contestants) also participated in 8.-11.06 CyberCamp in Singapore; European Cyber Security Challenge 14.-18.10 London, UK; "Youth-Estonia-Team" (students from secondary school level) also on USA Cyber Patriot online competition 2018-19 and other. International competitions may apply different rules and regulations.
12.06.2018 TTÜ CyberConference with both Estonian and English language tracks took place.
15.-17.10.2018 we participated in the European Cyber Security Challenge - 7th place.
CyberCracker competition for 2018 (changed from name CyberNut)
Study-testing in winter for 2078 participants
Study in October for 4.-9th graders - 9603 students took part in the survey.
Testing in autumn for Schools - 7.-12. graders - October for 1000 students and main round CyberSecurity meets Robotex final competition 2.12.2018 for 100 students.
Read here (EST) http://www.kyberpahkel.ee
Competition called Cyber Olympic and Cyber Olympic traning program.
a. competition and training program for youth. Cyber Olympic competition and training program where we identify 14-25-year-old young talents in Estonia. The training program included different short or long period exercises that young talents must work on together with groups or independently. Exercises are developed by the companies that are involved around topics: web hack, reverse engineering, social manipulation, database security, code analysis, safe programming methods, network and mobile security, pen testing, forensics, writing a report and public speaking.
· Cyber Olympic competition 14.05-15.07 (preliminary round 101 participants and 30 in main competition)
· Cyber Olympic training program participates 16 young talents in 7 day training 16.07-23.09.2017
Participation of European Cyber Security Challenge: "Team Estonia" leaders: Kristjan Leotoots, Artur Luik; Team: Heino Sass Hallik, Gregor Eesmaa, Tauri Toel, Taavi Eomäe, Kert Ojasoo, Jürgen Laks, Markkus Olaf Millend, Tanel Peep. Coach: Triin Muulmann. Estonia won 6th place - http://ecsc.eu/
Details of the preliminary round and main competition:
You must be 14 (in the beginning of ECSC) - 25 years old 31.12.2017 as this is needed to take part ECSC 2017
You need to have Estonian citizenship - as this is needed to take part ECSC 2017
If you are interested in participating to win the Estonian Qualification award then we also allow people with Estonian residents permit to participate the Estonian round.
Working language: English
Competition will be hosted by RangeForce
Scenario: Siege of Utopia
Atlantis is an isolated civilization located on artificial islands in Mare Utopia. The location is difficult to access due to constant storms rendering air and marine traffic infeasible. The local traffic relies on a network of submersible sensor drones (UUVs). Keywords: OWASP, SQLi, XSS, CSRF, DOS, WAF, mod_security, rootkit, IDS, Suricata, SNORT, Bro, OSSEC, nmap, KALI, Linux, ssh, DNS, IP, Cookies, SSL, shellshock The drone network has recently been experiencing frequent failures. The whole Utopian society will cease functioning if the network is lost. Our intelligence suggests a large-scale cyber attack by a hostile force as the cause. Your task: repel the attacks on the UUV network and reclaim the hijacked drones.
Keywords: OWASP, SQLi, XSS, CSRF, DOS, WAF, mod_security, rootkit, IDS, Suricata, SNORT, Bro, OSSEC, nmap, KALI, Linux, ssh, DNS, IP, Cookies, SSL, shellshock
30 best competitors will be awarded a certificate.
The final winners will be invited to the training series, which participate as Estonian representative team in the European Cyber Security Challenge 2017 Award is issued by the Estonian Internet Foundation.
b. seminar for wider audience. Cyber Olympic seminar is the best way to share learned knowledge’s and best practises with wider community (teachers, IT specialist, company owners, scientists, students and parents) regarding cyber threats, crime and trends, cyber hygiene, possibilities to improve your level (curricula for primary/secondary school, university, vocational school to life) and about these young talents. Exemplary topics in the seminar: categorizing cyber risks; visualizing cybercrime; crime, law and borders; social manipulation; cyber hygiene model and testing; trends for laypersons regarding digital safety; cyber security and IT labour and training possibilities; volunteer work done in cyber security area etc.
· Cyber Olympic seminar 15.07 - see here (Estonian language)
Supporters: Ministry of Defence, Estonian Internet Foundation, Range Force, Estonian IT College, Kehtna Vocational Training Centre, Clarified Security, Information System Authority, Titangrid, Telia Estonia, Zone Media, Tallinn Zoo, Wiretrap, Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association, Ministry of Education and Research, StratUp Estonia, StudyITinEE, PhotoPoint, Kalev, Cybexer Technologies, Cyber Defence Unit, Baltic Computer Systems, Threod Systems, Droon.ee, Estonian Informatics Teachers Association, Geenius.ee and Police.
Pictures of the event:
Testing for 200 schools 10581 participants
Read here (EST) http://www.kyberpahkel.ee
Contacts: CyberOlympics is organized by Tallinn University of Technology Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security.
Project manager: Birgy Lorenz