
The final round of CyberSpike will put 50 or more participants in a scenario that simulates facing real-life cyber threats.

The players have to complete numerous missions in thwarting cyber attacks from an unknown threat actor – are they cybercriminals? Are they nation-state hackers? Their identity seems to be secret…

Players’ job is to defend the networks of a fictional city from attack campaigns, search for clues about the attackers’ actions, rush to emergency assistance when called to participate in a rapid reaction team.

The most successful players are skilled in hardening systems, finding and fixing vulnerabilities, digital forensics, networking, and improvisation in unique circumstances.

Every participant will be given a number of different systems where the missions will be conducted on. These virtual machines will be under attack from the threat actor, they may contain vulnerabilities, poorly configured services or software and even backdoors, and a trail of evidence in logs or elsewhere that the attackers have left behind previously.

CybExer’s platform will provide a clear overview of the missions every player needs to complete, their progress, and the current state of gameplay and leaderboard.