Rubin Publication Policy

The Rubin Publication Policy is closely related to the Rubin data policy. Additionally, since Rubin Observatory does not provide specific policies related to the publication for the data users, the publication policy is summarized  below based on the Rubin data policy. For more detailed information, please refer to the  Rubin Data Policy and the Summary about Rubin Data

LSST users (DRH status holders)

Non-users (no DRH status holders)

but this does not give non-users general access to the proprietary data themselves. 

but non-users cannot access to data products via DAC (Data Access Center).


Rubin staff and LSST Science Collaborations 

Authors should consult the how to cite guide to reference relevant technical/data release papers.

  [Note] This publication policy is based on the Rubin Data Policy (RDO-13, rel 1.2.2) and Rubin Scientists FAQ (#3).

Need Help on Publication Policy? 

Contact KRSC Support at

      [Note] This page was created on 2024/03/28.