Genome dynamics

driving biodiversity

Kohta Yoshida

Specially-appointed professor

Dept. of System Pathology for Neurological Disorders

Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Japan

E-mail: kyoshida [at]

[researchmap] [ORCiD]


Recent events

Jan 1. 2024 I was appointed a specially-appointed professor at Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Japan. I will develop the genome diversitology of nematodes but also launch a new study of evolutionary biology for brain disease. [Link]

Dec 6 We published a review paper in Ichthyoloigcal Research. It summarizes recent developments of genome studies of "fish" and their huge diversity. [Link]

Nov 28 We published a research article in Molecular Ecology. It concludes that karyotype evolution of medata is largely explained by a phenomena, "centromere repositioning". [Link]

Nov 24 I gave a seminar talk in Kitazato University. Also, I visited a lab of my old boss, Okada-sensei, who is still very active. It was wonderful to share the opinions to the recent trends of fields with him.

The other events in 2023

Sep 21-23 I attended to the 4th international Pristionchus meeting in Tübingen, Germany. It was the most at-home international meeting I've ever experienced. I gave a talk of the study published soon, which got very good responses.

Sep 18-20  I was invited as a speaker in the 8th Asia-Pacific Chromosome Colloquium in Turkey. It was an amazing time to discuss with famous cytogeneticist in the world.

Sep 11 Our collaborative review for intrinsic postzygotic reproductive isolation was published in Cold Springer Harbor Perspectie in Biology. It was one of many papers of the special issue for speciation. I recommend for people who are interested in speciation to read through these reviews. [Link]

Sep 6-Sep8  I was invited as a speaker in GSA-GSJ Joint Symposium "Evolutionary Genetics in the Genomic Era: Understanding Biological Diversity". It was fun to hear the advanced researches using different organisms.

Aug 31-Sep3 I organized a symposium "Future of evolutionary biology driven by diversity of nematodes" in SESJ. Though most of all speakers were nematode researchers who had not attended the evolutionary meeting, I got response from multiple people who was excited in all talks. It was the great evidence that "Nematode x Evolution" would be a new frontier in the field. Also, there was a ceremony for the research encouragement award.

July 23-27 I attended to SMBE 2023, Ferrara, Italy and presented in the poster session. It was helpful to understand the recent trends in molecular evolution. I was really glad to know that nematode researchers were increasing in this community!

July 10. 2023 I was invited to talk in the lecture in Brain Research Institute in Niigata University. It was very impressive since I got very crucial questions from the audience out of the field.

July 4. 2023 I received the research encouragement award in Society of Evolutionary Studies, Japan! It is my great pleasure and motivates me further to develop my research.  [Link]

June 23. 2023 Our new review paper of the selfish genetic elements and speciation was out in Current Opinion in Genetics & Genetics. We mainly introduced the recent works in the last few years 

June 21. 2023 I joined the Kick-off meeting of the international workshop, "Tree of Sex v2.0",(Hinxton, UK)and presented my recent research. It was exciting to interact with many world researchers who study the hard-core evolution of sex.

June 2. 2023 I gave the lecture "Outline of Bio-science" in Tokyo University. It was personally good time to summarise the general speciation study field as a long-time presentation.

Apr. 11. 2023 I presented in IOS (integration of speciation research) online seminar. It was wonderful time to talk at the center of the field and experience super exciting discussions.

Apr 1. 2023 I moved to National Institute of Genetics, Japan as a specially appointed assistant professor. I will continue the nematode study but also involve in more ecological projects.

Jan 30. 2023 My first-author paper about speciation genetics in Pristionchus nematodes was published in Nature Ecology and Evolution [Link]. This is also the first paper of my corresponding authorship. Here is an background story in "Behind the paper" of Nature Portfolio Ecology and Evolution [Link].

Jan 28- Feb. 3 2023 Attended Gordon Research Seminar (GRS), speciation and Gordon Research Conference (GRC), speciation. It was a great time to talk with prominent researchers in the speciation field. My poster was selected in the top 10 in GRS. It was also an important opportunity to let people know speciation study of nematodes.