Knomee 2.13
Knomee 2.13 is now available on the App Store !
The major novelty is the improved management of imported trackers:
when you select an imported tracker, you are offered three categories : activity, heart and health (other than heart)
five more trackers imported from HealthKit have been added: 2 for blood pressure and 3 for swimming
Blood pressure is imported though HeathKit from a connected device. We prefer to use Withings connected devices, but any HeathKit compatible connected object will do. With Knomee 2.13, you may now import your systolic and diastolic blood pressure. If you want to import your blood pressure data in your Knomee app, you may use the quest library to import the BloodPressure quest, or you may design your own.
Be sure to visit the Quest Library page , it is a new addition to the web site. It reflects 5 years of collective intelligence about self-tracking.
Get your swim laps data from your watch
Knomee now makes it possible to extract three stats automatically from your Apple Watch :
the best lap time (in seconds),
the average lap time
you average heart rate during your exercise.
Notice that Knomee only gather data from your laps and is not polluted by the start delay (getting into the pool after your have started the watch), and neither by the few seconds or minutes between your last lap and the moment when you successfully stop the watch. If you exercise regularly, you known that stopping the swim counter on the Apple watch is tricky (you must remove the water then manage to slide your wet fingers in the proper movement). Obtaining an accurate value for your average lap time is a big improvement over reading you watch at the end of your laps.
This illustration shows a quest that is proposed in the Quest Library. Obviously, the fun part with Knomee is to design your own quest, to see which factors influence your swimming performance.
Getting the exact average time is a big plus compared to what you watch tells you at the end of your swimming session. It makes comparing from one session to the next much more meaningful (versus the data pollution from getting the watch to register that your session has ended).
Stay tuned for Knomee 3.0 this fall !
For its 5 years anniversary, Knomee will get a good clean-up:
everything that has not been used significantly will be dropped, resulting in a faster, simpler app
trac ker reuse will be introduced
if something is badly missing from your point of view, let us know through the app
In the opion screen (see illustration on the right), the bottom part is your interface to tell us what you think. When you click on the enveloppe, it sends an email with the ratings that correspond to the three sliders
does it work ? from your point of view (crashes, frozen, stuck with no explanation ...)
is it easy to use ?
does it deliver the value from expected
When you send the email (from your phone) feel free to add anything that you want to tell the knomee team. This is the right moment to help us grow the app in the right direction !