Quest Library

The Quest library is a great resource for the Knomee communitee. It contains the best quests that have been shared by other users.
Note that you can contribute to this list, anonymously or with your name, to the Knomee quest library.

This page gives you a description of the library of quests, sorted into four categories:

Where is the quest library in the Knomee App ? 

You find the Library menu in the quest home screen, which you access from the home screen (press on the large square of the left of the screen, with the name of rhe current quest).

You may also access the list of quests directly from the tracking screen : the upper left menu is the name of the current quest, if you press on it, you access to the quest home screen.

A. Current list of quests in the Health Category


This quest proposed to track your oxygen level and see the effects of medication, sleep and activty.

The target tracker is "oxygene" as reported (a percentage) by your Apple watch.

The three factors are

This quests demonstrate the value of monitoring your oxygenation level with your Apple Watch.


This quest leverages Healthkit to track your blood pressure, with a connected device such as Withings.

The target tracker is Systolic, your systolic pressure as imported from HealthKit.

The three related factors are 

Knomee recommands the use of Withings "BPM Core", a wonderful device to monitor your blood pressure.


This quest proposes to improve your heath measured through HRV through better sleep, more fractioned activity and avoid foods that cause inflammation. HRV (Heart Rate Variability) is a  great  heath  indicator  that is measured by your Apple Watch (or other devices).

The target tracker is HRV, the heart rate variablility measure imported from the iPhone.

The three associated factor are:

This quest is inspired from "8 weeks out".  You should also consider the following quest which has been found to be very helpful.


This fully automated quest uses  HealthKit connected watch to track your heart. It is surprisingly insightful, even though there are only imported trackers, so all what you need to do is press on the + button ! 

The target tracker is HRV  the heart rate variability measure imported from the iPhone.

 the heart rate variability measure imported from the iPhone:

This quest has been proposed by Knomee lead developper, who suffers from heart conditions and has found this quest to be especially insightful about the impact of lifesyle on heart dynamics.


This quest is provided as  a pattern for pain self-tracking. It should be customized to adapt to the user specificity.

Here the target tracker is  discomfort, a self-observation which is picked in [none 😊 , acceptable 🙂, poor 😟, bad ☹️, painful 😩]

The proposed two factors are:


This quest helps to track your cramps in relation to magnesium input

The target tracker is  cramps, a self-observation from [none,  one light,  many, tense ☹️ ],

The two factors:

This quest was proposed by Knomee lead designer, as an example for using Knomee as a personized self-tracking tool. This is another "pattern quest" which is intended to be customized to fit everyone specific needs.

B. Mental State and Mood Quests


This quest improves your mood by tracking your stress level, your anxiety and your daily steps.

The target tracker is mood, a self-observation from [not good 😩,  unhappy ☹️,  poor 😟,  normal 🙂,  good 😊,  really good 🤗 ]

the three factor traclers are:


Raise your mindfulness by tracking your meditations, your thankfulness and helpfulness.

The target tracker is mindful, a self-observation that you pick from the following set of labels : [closed 😩,  worried ☹️,  open 🙂, peace 😊 ].

The three proposed  factors are:

This quest has been proposed by a leading coach in personal growth.


This quest proposes to improve your mood though tracking your energy level, your work load and your heart rate'.

The target tracker is mood, a qualitative self-observation made by selecting a label from [depressed 😩,  unhappy ☹️,  stressed 😟,  normal 🙂,  good 😊,  ecstatic 🤗 ]. 

The three proposed  factors are:


This quest is  a mood tracker inspired by National Center for Telehealth and Technology.

The target tracker is "'well-being", a qualitative self-observation from [not good 😩,  unhappy ☹️,  poor 😟,  normal 🙂,  good 😊,  really good 🤗 ],}, 

The three factors are

C. Dieting and Food Intake Quests


This is a quest to support you with intermitent fasting: you track your daily fasting duration according to your goal 

The target tracker is weight, your body weight that is imported from HealthKit. 

The three factor trackers are:

This quest is a Knomee interpretation of the intermittent fasting as proposed by DietDoctor


This is a very simple food intake tracking quest.
The target tracker is your body weight. Knomee recommands to use the connected scales from Withings.

The three factors are the three categories of food that you should monitor:

This is a great example of quest that you should feel free to customize to your own needs ! You can change the labels for the qualitative assessments with the quest editor ... and you can also change any of the trackers.


This quet is proposzed to track your Keto diet : weight as a function of cars, fat and proteins. The Keto diet has shown to work beautifully for some persons, it may be right for you !

The target tracker is your body weight. Knomee recommands to use the connected scales from Withings.

The associated factors are :

This quest is a Knomee adaptation from "Ketogenic diet" proposals.


This quest helps you to track your water and other fluid intake together with weather.

The target tracker is  glasses, a counter tracker that represents the number of glasses of water that you have drunk in the day.

The two factor trackers are:

D.  Activity Tracking Quests


This quest tracks your energy in relation to your connected health.

The target tracker is energy: a self-observation from [ exhausted😩,  sleep☹️,  tired 😟,  normal 🙂,  energetic 😊,  hyper 🤗 ].

The three proposed factors are :


This quest is an example to be customized, about how to use Knomee to track your own sport activity.

The target tracker is performance, a self-observation from [terrible 😩,  poor ☹️,  almost 😟,  average 🙂,  good 😊,  excellent 🤗 ]

The three proposed factor trackers are :


This quest allows you to get your swim lap statistics from your Apple Watch

The target tracker is averageLap, the avarage time in seconds to complete one lap during your last swim session (during the previous week)

The three factors are

This is a new quest (from version 2.12) that showcases the ability of Knomee to extract three stats automatically from your Apple Watch : the best lap, the average lap time and you average heart rate during your exercise.
Notice that Knomee only gather data from your laps and is not polluted by the start delay (getting into the pool after your have started the watch), and neither by the few seconds or minutes between your last lap and the moment when you successfully stop the watch. If you exercise regularly, you known that stopping the swim counter on the Apple watch is tricky (you must remove the water then manage to slide your wet fingers in the proper movement). Obtaining an accurate value for your average lap time is a big improvement over reading you watch at the end of your laps.