Dec 16 2017

Happy New Year and 2018 Resolutions

This is the time of the year when we make a few, usually short-lived, decisions about behavior change:

  • the food we should eat more of, or less of, ...

  • sleeping patterns

  • stop smoking, reduce alcoholic beverages,

  • back to the gym once a week, twice a week, ...

  • clean up the house, the office, my room, the closet, ...

Self-tracking makes sense to help you through these "new year resolutions". If you have read "The Happiness Project" from Gretchen Rubin, you know what we mean ....

However, experience shows that with our without self-tracking, we quiclky loose our steam and forget everything after two weeks.

Knomee can help !

  • You can create your own "2018 quest" tracking exactly what matters to you

  • You will see the last "21 days of tracking" to help you through the "difficult third week"

  • Knomee forecasting makes self-tracking fun : it makes exercising your will power a game !

  • Knomee insights will make this "2018" journey more rewarding. After a week of self-tracking, Knomee will share some insights about your data. What you make from it is up to you ...

You can mix trackers that reflect your decisions and imported trackers from your iPhone such as steps, weight or sleep hours. This makes self-tracking both more precise, faster and more meaningful.