How dangerous is COVID

These articles explain the dangers of coronavirus.

What Are The Chances Of COVID-19 Killing You?

Anders M. March 17, 2020 (K7)

To a healthy person coronavirus would feel like a very bad cold, because corona is a respiratory illness it is more dangerous for people with illnesses (such as Asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia), or The elderly, infants. The symptoms of corona include fever, cough, shortness of breath, pain/pressure in the chest, and blue lips or face. As your age increases the mortality rate increases.

Ages 0-9 = 0.01%

Ages 10-19 = 0.02%

Ages 20-29 = 0.09%

Ages 30-39 = 0.18%

Ages 40-49 = 0.40%

Ages 50-59 = 1.3%

Ages 60-69 = 4.6%

Ages 70-79 = 9.8%

Ages 80 and up = 18%