Being Safe

These articles give you tips to being safe.

The Flying Coronavirus

Aarith V. May 28, 2020

Coronavirus spreads in many ways. We knew that it could spread from person to person contact, hence social distancing. We later found out that it can also be spread by surfaces, hence constant disinfecting. Now, a much more recent find is showing that coronavirus can spread through the air, and could cause some serious issues for reopening.

Coronavirus spreads through the air when you exhale, in the form of droplets. We know that the droplets can reach another person and infect them, but some of the lighter droplets can hang around as aerosol. These airborne droplets may infect someone who comes into the same room later.

Even though this is not the most common way that COVID-19 spreads, it can pose some serious challenges to reopening. Now, social distancing and disinfecting aren't enough to stop the spread of COVID-19. In fact, it may prove really difficult to prevent the airborne spread of COVID-19.

As far as I can see, there are three ways to prevent the spread of 'flying' COVID. One, wearing masks so you reduce the transmission of the virus and protect others (you know that masks are not just for you, right?). Next, washing your hands obsessively to wash off any parts of the virus that may be on you. And finally to ramp up testing, so that nobody who has coronavirus can come into public places. Additionally, you can spend more time outdoors, where there is ample fresh air and less likelihood of droplets being suspended in air. Also, humidity in indoor environments- actually helps. This makes the droplets heavier and fall to the ground.

However, the best way (as we all know), is to stay home, when you can. Be outdoors, if you have to meet/ eat out, and mostly stay physically apart, even as you socially connect.

Babylon Health, published on March 5, 2020

Staying Safe During this Outbreak.

Lyndon D. March 16, 2020 (K7)

The best way to stay safe during the Corona Virus is to stay away from other people and to wash your hands before every meal, also always wash your hands after going bathroom. As the outbreak gets worse more drive through testing sites are becoming available for the people to come and get a free test, only go to these testing sites if you have the symptoms, which include having a Fever, a cough, and/or shortness of breath, after you take the test remain self quarantine until you get your test results back.

What to do if you are sick.

Calvin O. March 16, 2020 (K7)

There are many ways to stop the spread of Corona when you are sick. When you are sick you should try to stay home, also avoid public transit and public spaces. When you are sick at home try to isolate yourself in a certain room you can also try to avoid household items, and wear face mask.

All these things will help limit contact with other people and stop the spread of corona virus.

Basic Hygiene

Drake P. March 23, 2020 (K5)

Even without COVID-19 spreading, there are a lot of things we need to keep healthy. First, wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. When you wash your hands you need to wash them well. You need to wash them for a minimum of 20 seconds and you need to clean all of your hands. Some of those places we miss sometimes are in between fingers and under fingernails. It is crucial to get these washed regularly. You should also avoid touching your face and if you do you might want to wash your hands. Also, there are lots of things you should sanitize daily like: doorknobs, computer/mouse, keyboard, phone, and any thing you touch daily and that can be sanitized (like remote controls and any handles).