Brightening Up Our Days

Photo Credit: Rubina Ahmad

Bringing Color to Our World

By MCB (K7)

AndrĂ  tutto bene [Everything is going to be all right]

In these hard times, it can really make somebody's day to see a glimmer of color. These days, during self-quarantine, we don't have the opportunity to see many people or experience new things. Taking a walk outside helps with cabin fever, and seeing unexpected colorful drawings is a great surprise. Who came up with the great idea of drawing rainbows and words of encouragement for neighbors? It started in Italy, where there are many current life-threatening cases of COVID-19 -- and has since spread to other countries, including England and the US.

Make someone's day by creating and sharing a rainbow! Today my family went out into the neighborhood with a bucket of chalk. Stopping every once in a while, we drew quick drawings -- rainbows, designs, and kind words. Later, we came back and saw that somebody had responded to a rainbow! These little actions can bring a community together. Neighbors communicate with each other while being far apart.

How are you bringing a little color into our world?

Information gathered from BBC News and The Guardian (linked in article)

Stay Positive

Aarith V. March 30, 2020 (K7)

It can be VERY easy to lose hope. I mean, in not even half a year this virus has spread to six out of the seven continents, infected over 25,000 people, and caused everybody to put their lives on hold. This is not a situation anybody would like to be in. However, it is the situation we are in. So, how can we make this a more positive situation to be in?

A big part of staying positive is mindset. Most have have heard the phrases 'glass half-full person' or 'glass half-empty person' and know what they symbolize. The 'half-full' person is an optimist, someone who always looks at the bright side of things. The 'half-empty' person is a pessimist, the opposite of an optimist.

In times like this, we need to have an optimistic mindset. We need to make this time the best it can possibly be. No, do not put this at risk of your own safety, follow the guidelines the scientists have set. Take this time to get to know your family, or pick up a new hobby.

Don't stop there, though! Spread the positivity!