How do we stay connected

These articles explain how to stay connected.

Social Distancing is only "physical" distancing

Aarith V. March 17, 2020 (K7)

As COVID spreads around the world, governments around the world have talked about social distancing yourself. But what is "social distancing?"

It is exactly what it sounds like. Distancing yourself socially. The point is to make it harder for the virus to spread from person to person, therefore slowing the spread of the virus. However, it is difficult to distance yourself from EVERYBODY, but try to keep your groups to less than 10 people. Within a group, keeping a distance of at least six feet is important. And avoiding contact, washing hands constantly, and keeping surfaces clean helps. But keeping physical distance doesn't mean we cannot be social. We can connect Online!

How To Stay Connected Online

Aayush V. March 15, 2020 (K5)

If you want to hang out with your friends, don't ask them over for a play date. Instead you can stay connected through calls or even video games. It's dangerous to stay near anyone at the moment even though it's not likely they have it. It won't be hard to make some calls to just hang out with your friends.

Here are some good apps.

First is Google Hangouts. Google Hangouts is an addition to your existing eMail account. It is a faster way to send messages than eMail, and you can call on it as well.

The second is iMessages. iMessages is a very popular phone app. It is similar to Hangouts in design, and is coupled with cool features like a GIF keyboard.

The third is Discord. Discord is a platform associated with "gamers." However, it is completely free and is very easy to use.

Go Outside-Connect To Nature!

Maggie O. March 20, 2020 (K7)

You can get some fresh air- even as you keep social distance. Sunlight is actually one of the best disinfectants! It deteriorates the cell walls of the virus which makes it so that it can't live anymore!

You can go outside to walk, bike, or just enjoy the sunlight out on your porch!