The 2-Fronted Battle

2 Fronts, 2 Global Issues

Aarith V., June 6, 2020

The black community is fighting a war on two fronts. On one side, there is the global pandemic the world is facing. On the other side, the generations of racism coming to a boiling point after the senseless, brutal murder of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many more.t

It is a fact that, on average, Black Americans have lower economic status than other Americans. This plays into a lot of things, such as misinformation, worse healthcare, more rates of 'essential' jobs, and housing disparities.

The government has given the public mixed messages relating to COVID-19. Most of the american public has access to credible news sources but many black Americans and minority groups don't, which leads to spread of misinformation.

Racist employment has been a problem in America for decades. People of color tend to find themselves not able to get jobs that they meet the qualifications of. Due to racist employment, POC work more labor jobs, many of which are considered essential. This leads to the spread of infections among these workers.

And perhaps the most striking difficulty for black Americans is the lack of decent health care. The noticeable wage gap between the black community and the rest of America leads to black Americans getting worse healthcare. This leads to a higher death rate in black Americans than the average death rate.

This has all happened because of racism. People putting certain colors of skin higher than others. Some have clear biases against the black community. However, a large amount of people may not know they have biases against black people, or people of any race.

Ask yourself: Are you biased?