State Science Fair

Congratulations to making it to STATE Science Fair! 

They are changing sites to csef, pages are down '24

State Application ... don't be worried-click Advanced 

Support for registration page  *  List of Qualified Students  *  Received Applications

 Contacting State Science Fair:

In scientific fields, you write an abstract for people to read.  If people become interested, they read and look at your project.  This means, your abstract is the reason why someone would want to look at your project or not.  The hardest part of an abstract is you have to put your full experiment into a paragraph.   Listed below are some tips on how to make a strong abstract. 

An abstract for State Science Fair is a little different then a typical abstract.  

They are introducing you to an abstract, so they only want you to cover 4 parts.

Always stay POSITIVE like a PROton!