Ethics 4. 

By Dr. Marie White

The session looking into humanitarian Aid, ethical issues around it and the how to deal with HA burnout was an explorative approach into the practice of Global; Health within and beyond. the in-class discussion in particular presented a typical ethical dilemma which in our case who should take the blame in a Humanitarian crisis involving other international organisations while going to the extent of seeking compensation. 

While thinking about it what would happen if such blame was to be shifted to China for the Covid 19 pandemic or Ebola outbreak on Uganda or DRC Congo. Would this dehumanise the story and create more disparities and inequalities in Health? Would both situations be treated the same?

1. Pre-sessions assignment:

Pre-Session Assignment

2. In sesion Discussion

In-Class Discussion 

3. Post-sessions assignment

Post-Session Assignment

Intersectoral Global Health 4.

By Dr. Jessica Evert, CFHI Medical Director.

Looking at the role of Multinational organisations in healthcare and especially understanding the preparations of the WHO Essential Medicines list, advantages of having local drug acquisition programs gaqe a summarised and informative insights into the complex drug acquisition an dditribution procedures.

Key point for reflection I found intriguing were the WHO role in ensuring the Cancer Drugs are affordable versus the patents imposed by Drug manufacturers due to the expensive research and development, How interventions to Eliminate malaria differ from those of polio and how countries in the global south could build local capacity and leverage on international partnerships for funding and capacity building in building strong pre-referral systems and especially in Malaria as with the Case study of Kenya.

Intersectoral Global Health 3rd Assignment

Intesectoral Global health Assignment.

Community Engagement 4. 

Dr. Geoffrey Anguyo, KIHEFO Uganda 

Th e discussion posed an interesting Example of the Rabbit Farming Being implemented by KIHEFO in an attempt to curbing the protein malnutrition while generating income for families which could be used in both the growth the families and in catering for the basic healthcare needs. 

I believe that such an intervention being led by a Health foundation was an innovative, scalable and h8ighliy adaptable practice especially in the global south when there arises issues of health financing and especially the out of pocket funding for healthcare takes the major portion of a house hold's income further driving them into poverty and more inequalities in health. 
