Ethics 2.

By Dr. Marie White

An introduction into public health ethics was perhaps and area I found some of challenge as a medical student 'wrapping my head around'. Partly due to the conflict between its founding principle where public interest exceed and individual's concerns versus components of Medical principlism, Non-malificence, Beficence and Justice. Similarly it is with this understanding that some of the Covid-19 measures enforced however for the public good had perpetuated mistrust by the public. 

However I got to get an understanding of the APHAA 2019 Public health code of Ethics where when policies and measures are being drafted for implementation there should be maintenance of the public trust and advocacy for the vulnerable populations, respecting human rights, involving the community and remaining entirely transparent. Similarly I understood the Justification criteria when making decisions where there is conflict between public and individual interests that is; effectiveness of the proposed interventions, their necessity in achieving public goals, proportionality between the anticipated benefits and foreseen burdens and the public justicfication. 

1. Week 2 📝 Pre-session assignment: Ethics

Pre-Session Assignment

2. In-class group discussion: Ethics

In-Class Discussion 

3. Week 2 📝 Post-session assignment: Ethics

Post-Session Assignment

Intersectoral Collaboration 2.

By Dr. Jessica Evert, CFHI Medical Director.

Discussions of the Consultation assignments left me with better appreciation of how leveraging on intersectoral collaboration in Global Health we would be able to maximize on the available resources, optimise the impact of problects. the "First a Thousand Days" Project was one such success story resulting from collaboration between Biomedical, Nurturing and socio-economic views and definitions of a problem.

As I think of a career as a policy maker I hold the lessons dearly and especially having policies with  an overarching multisectoral-enabling framework. enhancing the adoption of wholeto-of-society approaches and adopting Principled engagement process. 

1. Intersectoral Global Health Assignmet 1.pptx

Intersectoral Global Health Assignment

Community Engagement 2: Ghana

Charles Nwobu, Medical & Program Director-CFHI Ghana Global Partners.

An in-depth analysis of Vulnerable groups, their health domains (Physical, psychological and social)  and approaches to apply when preparing and executing initiatives targeting Vulnerable groups. My highlight was a case simulation to prepare an initiative targeting men who have sex with men (MSM) using a bottom approach and assuming the initial steps of literature review with consolidation of evidence had been done. 

"My response highlighted how I would start by identifying one MSM from either the Critical care Clinics or an previously existing program then snow-balling to identify others as the vulnerable groups might have a social support groups through which they can be reached."

The session had equipped me with skills and knowledge to apply when approaching Vulnerable groups key in my future p[ractice as with this and the understanding that discrimination limits access to healthcare I can readily identify any discrimination and intervene accordingly. 

Community engagement Assignment.docx

Community Engagement Assignment
